Two Protestant groups underline the need for more palliative care, but differ in their evaluation of a recent National Ethics Committe report. A new law could be approved in 2023.
Transgender Member of Parliament Salma Luévano, who has won two lawsuits to be treated as a woman, proposes that the biblical position on sexuality be condemned by law.
The Public Prosecutor’s Office blames unrestricted access to pornography for “highly sexualised behaviour at very early ages” and “incestuous sexual offences”.
The parliament prepares a law to abandon the UN Human Rights Committee. The latest decision condemned violations against a Pentecostal pastor.
Around 15,000 joined the march organised by evangelical groups. They asked to protect children from gender ideology initiatives in schools.
Everyone over 16 may change their legal gender via a civil officer. Court would decide on minors under 16 without parental consent. A citizen campaign warns about the dangers of the law.
“If Christians cannot meet in their homes, where should they meet to worship?”, asks the Spanish the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
The Health Ministry congratulates itself for having “helped people to die with dignity”. One month ago, the government replaced 11 of the 12 experts of the public bioethics committee that criticised the law last year.
Christians agree that “suicide should not be seen as a normal form of dying in society”. A new law is expected before the end of 2022.
Religious organisations denounced some points “attack” the freedoms of worship and association, but the Council ruled the law is “in conformity with the Constitution”.
Only two in ten people are fully vaccinated in Africa. Evangelical leaders speak of challenges in the vaccination campaign and the situation of Christians.
Assisted suicide is being discussed in the Parliament. “If assisted suicide became normal, that would have consequences”, MPs say. Christians support the proposal.
Human rights activists said prosecutors mistakenly used a repealed article of the criminal code. Police also confiscated their Bibles and church material.
Evangelicals denounce that the Constitution “will divide rather than unite the people of Chile, weaken democracy” and that the government did reject their proposals.
While the state of Karnataka passes an 'anti-conversion' law, evangelicals denounce the government “is empowering lynch mobs to target the next Christian they see”.
Despite the negative report of the General Council of the Judiciary, there are hardly any changes. The change of sex may be made without restrictions or prior reports.
Abortion is no longer a right on a national level and every state will have to decide. Both pro-life and pro-abortion movements mobilise for a fight that will continue on a state-by-state level.
The World Evangelical Alliance sends a report to the United Nations denouncing “how the Indian government has fostered violence and legal discrimination against religious and social minorities”.
Deuteronomy never lets us settle for an outward conformity. In relationship with God the core issue must be the heart.
“Prostitution is a paid act of sexual violence and contrary to human dignity”, said an evangelical member of parliament in a motion that was defeated by the majority.
The 26-page complaint of the prosecutor has been accepted. The Christian parliamentarian sees it as an opportunity: “Acquittals in higher courts have broader significance”.
Three Christians in three European countries were acquitted this year of incitement of hatred against homosexuals. Separate issues? Yes, but there are strong similarities.
The Bill aims to allow assisted suicide for those over 75 who do not qualify to apply for euthanasia. “Government has a duty to protect its citizens”, Council says.
Among the changes, which will cost the state 104 million euros, it will allow minors aged 16 and 17 to carry out abortions without authorisation.
They were accused of “unauthorized worship”. The court has upheld the sentence of six months in prison but reduced the fine by half.
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