God calls you to be a different kind of person: without being deceitful and cheating, without false words or pretense.
Even the very best things can become like a nightmare when they completely govern our hearts.
Pray that God will teach you new ways to preach His glorious gospel. It pleases Him when you do it in cooperation with others.
Don't let anyone take your inheritance from you by doubting God's Word. Jesus is preparing a permanent place for us.
If we do not allow God to control certain areas, life will be full of defeat.
At the end of your earthly life, if you have left the mark of God's presence on other people's lives, you will have been a success.
None of God’s children can be mistreated or feel unimportant, even if they only have five loaves of bread.
Sometimes it is hard to be flexible in your spiritual life and try to follow Jesus' footsteps in all aspects of life.
God wants us to reach everyone with the gospel, and you are responsible for those around you.
Following God is the greatest freedom there is. Obeying God means always knowing where and who you are.
The Bible is unique. God took it upon Himself to teach the world that His Word is not just another book.
What happens when the storms of life come? Will we keep on trusting in ourselves? Will we still think we are right?
When time is called, will you be happy, or will you regret wasting time?
We have all the things and more in Christ, but we live like wretched beggars.
Our sin is so big that it has separated us from God forever. God knows that. That is why He made a better way for us.
We need to go back to the most triumphant place in the universe: the cross of Christ.
Friendship, encouragement, and gratitude are words that should go together... within the church especially.
The power of God is sufficient to overcome any enemy, any temptation, any bad habit.
We are aware of spiritual things, and know the consequences of them, but we cannot see them.
All of us have an outstanding talent scout. Someone who was able to give all he had in this world, even His own life, because of His love for us.
Being kind to others is the proof that our character is becoming more and more like that of Christ.
We should invest time every day in learning our foundations, pick up the Word of God every day and read it..
Next time you are in church, pray and look beside you; it could be that God has placed someone right there to help you.
Life would not be the same without a God who is completely just and all-powerful.
God didn't make us cowards, and there is nothing in this world more worthy than the gospel of Christ.
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