In God’s team there is incomparable happiness, joy, triumph, and beauty, but there are also a lot of tears.
The German international Felix Nmecha could soon land in Borussia Dortmund. But some fans are not happy for the player’s view on LGBT issues.
How many times have you cried, literally, about not being able to control yourself?
Nothing is as worthy of our commitment as our family.
It is true that God made everything for us to enjoy, but not to abuse.
Life is totally different when the presence of God is a refuge and not a threat.
One of the problems in our society is the number of people who 'ride in the slipstream' behind others.
The German VfL Wolfsburg midfielder often shares his faith on social media and encourages his followers to know more about Jesus.
On many occasions, we think that we serve and obey God, but in fact what we are serving and obeying ourselves.
God does not only love us, He is love: that's one of His attributes.
There is no closed door for anyone in the world who wants to come near to God.
Those who act without thinking, sooner or later make mistakes.
To be meek means renouncing your own rights, always being willing to help. It means being a little more like Jesus.
The more we train ourselves in faith, love, humility and devotion to God, the easier it becomes to live in accordance with those qualities.
The taste for adventure, wrongly applied, leads to rebellion and disobedience.
Despite all the escapes on offer, we cannot escape from ourselves. we need to recognise our smallness in the scheme of things.
A Christian should never respond with evil for evil, much less evil for good.
Jesus is the best teacher that has ever existed, and He is also our Saviour, King, Lord and friend.
We should not be wallowing in the daily problems of life in the same way as someone who does not know God.
There is no reason for us to be ashamed of the greatest thing that exists: God himself.
Obeying God is not a list of prohibited things... Obedience to God is depending only, and exclusively, on Him in every situation.
Growing classes, concern for children’s safety due to school shootings and religious beliefs are among the reasons for the rise of homeschooling in the US.
Any tradition which does not make way for the growth of God's kingdom is contrary to God Himself.
Remember that God himself is the only one who can convince someone of the truth.
In the Qatar World Cup, he became France's best scorer of all time. “I pray on the pitch before every game and after every goal as well”.
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