The greatest desire of God is to have a deep relationship with us, His children.
God has given us the best map to guide us on our way: the Bible.
Archaeologists discovered the scrolls in the Judean Desert. They also found the world's oldest fully intact basket, a 6,000-year-old mummified child and a cache of rare coins.
No matter what sort of bad habit we are fighting against, God shows us how to break it.
There is no other mediator, no other system by which to reach God except through Jesus.
It is so important to control our thoughts and what we allow into our innermost hearts.
Pray, talk and behave as God expects you to. Don't get impatient on the way, because the answer will come when you least expect it.
Rumours are false tales that can damage everything. God has spoken against rumours many times.
Nothing can give our body greater rest than when it is in contact with our Creator.
God is very clear, either you are or you are not. There are not “almost” believers.
We must not permit anything to live inside us that is contrary to the will of God.
Although we have not been saved by our good works, the Bible says that they are the result of our salvation.
God has placed people with more wisdom at our side to help us in difficult moments.
Begin by asking God to show us his will and then everything else will fall into place in its time.
Holiness means to consistently have clean behaviour, a clean life.
We need to come back to God and believe in Him.
It is impossible to live a Christian life that pleases God if we are not filled with his Spirit.
There is nothing more important than coming to know Jesus as Lord.
God asks us to be faithful... both to Him and to His word ... nothing more, and nothing less.
God himself, the study of his word, and time, will teach and help to correct our errors.
Which team do you belong to? Is Jesus your Lord? Don't be ashamed of it!
On many occasions we are more concerned that others should be admiring us, than helping others to win.
God expects us to be strong enough to make the evil one frightened of our words and deeds.
Many are complete unknowns to us, but their glorious stories are written in heaven and thousands of angels sing a song of praise to God as they arrive there.
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