martes, 1 de abril de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez


God asks us to be faithful... both to Him and to His word ... nothing more, and nothing less.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 05 DE ENERO DE 2020 17:00 h
The coach who has won the most games in the NBA is Lenny Wilkens. /, CC0.

The best-remembered moments of a sportsperson's career are the awarding of trophies.

The coach who has won the most games in the NBA is LENNY WILKENS. Lenny has had more than 1000 victories within the history of the NBA. The one who holds the record for 'second' in most victories is RED AUERBACH.

The day will come in our history when God himself will also award trophies. These trophies will be only and exclusively for his children, for those who have believed in him. (John 1:12).

None of God's children will undergo the judgment of those who have not believed, but their actions and their faithfulness to the Lord will be judged.

On that day, we will have to look back over our lives and ask, How has my game been? My behaviour? Has it been good? Pretty good? Or have I lived as though tomorrow didn't matter?

On that day we may rejoice or mourn, be happy or sad, give thanks to God or recognize that we have behaved like fools.

Everything depends on what we have done here on earth. Everything depends on how we have 'built' here.

It is true that we will all be in the same glory with God, but the way we enter in and enjoy this glory will be different. The more we have grown spiritually, the more joy we will experience.

The more we have done for the Lord, the happier we will be. And what can be said about the people we see therein Heaven who are the fruit (in part) of our labour? They will be the best trophies.

In reality, trophies will not be received for having done 'supernatural' things once or twice. In the same way,a goalie does not receive a trophy for having ONE good game. What is rewarded is consistency and faithfulness.

And that is something we have lost sight of on too many occasions. God asks us to be faithful... both to Him and to His word ... nothing more, and nothing less.

Faithfulness means to cling to someone in all circumstances, problems, and situations.

Faithfulness means that God is the most important thing we have,all of our lives.

Faithfulness means to come before the Lord and offer ourselves to Him, just as we are, without any conditions.

Faithfulness is to love God above all things and to obey Him, whatever the cost.

One day God himself will award us a trophy. What will it bel like? What will he say to us? What a glorious day it will be if he will be able to say, "Well done, good and FAITHFUL servant.”




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