God has called you, so He will make sure you get up each time you fall, and set you above what people may say.
God teaches us in His Word that we should be thankful. Start being thankful to you parents and to honour them right now..
God wants us all to be pioneers to the people around us who do not know the gospel; there are many ways of being a pioneer. Are you one?
God has created us, and He loves us just the way we are. This is the most simple of truths, but one of the hardest to understand.
Anyone who puts his faith in himself has a short future. One of the biggest dangers of our day is pride.
Jesus felt the scorn of his own people, and He taught us that a prophet will often not be honoured in his own country.
The victory depends on an abundance of counselors. God often uses his sons and daughters to teach us important life lessons.
God speaks and advises us personally. He shows us the way we should go. He corrects us, disciplines us, sustains and encourages us.
On the cross, Jesus suffered the punishment for all the sin of the world, He yielded up his powerful hands out of love.
Are you the first to offer sincere congratulations? Do you intend to thank God for what has happened?
Do you realise that God has not promised to get us out of every difficult situation, but that He has promised to always be with us?
God shows us the way through his word, so that we know how to live our lives, and to give purpose to what we do.
Only those who are full of the Spirit of God will have learned to wait for the right moment. Victory comes to those who know how to wait.
What is the giant that is mocking you at the moment? Who is the 'Goliath' who makes you take a step backwards?
Paul learnt to work for the glory of others. Have we learnt this?
Everything in the world belongs to God: you yourself belong to Him. We give back only a part of what He gives us.
Our earthly life means very little in comparison with “the great beyond ”, which is real, in spite of our present suffering and lack of understanding.
Holiness is one of God's attributes, and as His children, His holiness should be reflected in our lives.
Humility means depending on God alone in every situation, always being ready to learn from Him.
Are you the first to give sincere congratulations? Do you think to thank God for what happens to you?
God says to us that we should avoid all that hurts us. Superstition shouldn't be part of our life.
Hands and knees are two of the most important tools for a Christian: hands to serve, knees to pray.
God does not lose control as we do when we don't know how to solve something.
God teaches us to laugh with the one who is laughing and to cry with the one who is crying
It is a great temptation to leave God 'for later on'. Please, stop the process before it is too late.
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