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Protestante Digital


Am I ever lucky

What God gives us is always the best, even though we may find that hard to understand.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 23 DE FEBRERO DE 2025 17:00 h
Foto: [link]keith allison[/link], Wikimedia Commons

Many times in life “luck” seems to play an important role in life. PAUL PIERCE was the best player at the NBA final of 2008. The BOSTON CELTICS, his team, became champions that year.

What many people do not know is that a few years earlier, one night Paul was attacked, leaving him with several stab wounds, which could have ended his life. Fortunately he recovered and became one of the best basketball players in history.

You know something? No one has had more luck in this life than we have - all we who have accepted Jesus into our hearts. One day God named us as his heirs, and he divided his "estate" among us.

We have all had a part in the inheritance. We have all had "luck".

Some people think that to have luck is to receive several million pounds, to climb the social ladder, to manage to do something almost impossible, or to be admired by everyone.

However, everything we get or become in this life will one day end and then, where will our "luck" be?

What God gives us doesn't end after a time, not even at the end of our days.What he gives us, we receive only once, and it lasts forever, and no one or nothing can take it away from us. 

That is why the psalmist wrote, "You are my Lord; I have no good besides you."

Have you ever stopped to think that God is the owner of the universe? Every star and galaxy belongs to our Father. How could we not have "luck" with a father like that?

So often we pursue the rubbish that this world offers, and we lose the glory that belongs to us as part of our inheritance. When we, by faith, receive God into our lives, we become the wealthiest people in existence; we will live forever.

God lives with us and takes care of us. We become part of the most important family in the world. We have the power of the Holy Spirit in us, and the Lord Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers.

All these things, as well as thousands of promises from the Word of God, are ours. Do we need more "luck"?

What God gives us is always the best, even though we may find that hard to understand. Everything we are, we inherited from God. That is our luck.

Are we happy with what God has done with us physically, morally, and spiritually? Don't curse your luck! God has an inheritance prepared for you.

You are of supreme importance to Him.




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