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Protestante Digital


Good advice

The victory depends on an abundance of counselors. God often uses his sons and daughters to teach us important life lessons.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 10 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2024 17:00 h

Many times, the victory in a game depends on people that no one knows.

Of course, it is the forward that scores the goal, or that famous player who throws the ball into the basket from the three-point line in the last few seconds of the game.

However, none of them would know what to do without a thorough teaching of techniques from their coaches.

RANDY KNOWLES was the assistant coach of Joventut, de Badalona, for many years. He also trained other teams and was the National Team coach for Chile, not to mention his time as a player in the Chilean league, and in particular one game when he scored 107 points, a record in Pan-American basketball.

One could recognise a player who passed through his hands by the many skills he displays: his throw, position, foundations; few men are able to improve the technique of a player, like Randy Knowles could.

It is of supreme importance to learn how to receive good counsel. Often victory depends on the counselors one has. In the game of basketball, one simple correction of a player's throw can be the reason he scores more baskets.

As you go through life, good advice can mean a great deal for your future. Victory depends on good advice.

So what is the problem? Often we do not want good advice. We think we have all the answers to every situation. What can they teach us?

We think the others are wrong. We are not willing to be told anything, and certainly not to take advice. And yet we read in the bible that victory depends on an abundance of advisors.

Above all, we are independent people. We are proud, and we do not like to admit it. We prefer to learn something by making a hundred mistakes, than by listening to someone who went through the same thing some years ago.

So many situations would be easier for us to bear if we had someone to reassure us. So many difficult decisions about our future would become easier if we had a good counselor.

The victory depends on an abundance of counselors. God often uses his sons and daughters to teach us important life lessons.

We should not scorn someone who gives us a good bit of advice. We should not ignore it when God speaks through someone.

The victory depends on an abundance of advisors. Our lives, on many occasions, depend on knowing how to receive advice.




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