We are used to talking too much and doing too little. We are specialists in words and illiterate in power.
New Testament writers desired believers like us to be at home with eschatology, owning it for our lives, so that it doesn’t feel strange or scary.
We renew our mind when we get rid of all the rubbish that the world wants to feed us with, and we fill it with the Word of God.
God has called you, so He will make sure you get up each time you fall, and set you above what people may say.
God's plan was put into the hands of eleven very ordinary men, fearful, and doubting. He sent His Holy Spirit and filled them and all those who believed in Him with power.
Anyone who puts his faith in himself has a short future. One of the biggest dangers of our day is pride.
We go into the week in relationship to a present Jesus in our hearts by His Spirit, and that makes all the difference in the world.
The victory depends on an abundance of counselors. God often uses his sons and daughters to teach us important life lessons.
Zwolle has never rivalled Rome or Athens, Jerusalem or Constantinople, Paris or London. Yet for over five centuries, millions have been spiritually nourished from this book’s five thousand editions and translations in over fifty languages.
It is much better not to promise in the first place than to promise, and then not get round to keeping it.
All the energy we waste looking outwards should be used more productively looking inwards to check what our failings are and seek to rectify them.
My pilgrimage started on the other side of the world and has taken me from place to place before eventually starting a new Fountain tribe in the Netherlands.
Are you the first to offer sincere congratulations? Do you intend to thank God for what has happened?
We need an army of pragmatic Marthas, ready to serve and love their neighbour because they have first been an army of devoted Marys.
Do you realise that God has not promised to get us out of every difficult situation, but that He has promised to always be with us?
In Estonia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Latvia and Finland, just 10% or fewer adults say religion is a priority for them.
God's involvement with man does not depend primarily on man's personality or character, but on his love for them.
God does not expect you to go through life chasing miracles and wonders. He will do them for you in the simplicity of each day.
By casting the sorrows that tempt us toward overwork or other escape mechanisms to Christ, we become serene and rich in spirit.
What is the giant that is mocking you at the moment? Who is the 'Goliath' who makes you take a step backwards?
A bitter person has never helped to change the world. Dreams do not belong only to winners.
God is the Lord of history, both of the universe and of the personal history of each one of us.
Satisfaction of desires is the wrong door to knock on if we expect happiness to be waiting on the other side.
Undergoing spiritual training in our devotion to God means letting our character be moulded to Christ’s image.
How many times have we tried to fill our emptiness by trying to fulfil a “ghost mission”?
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