viernes, 14 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital



There is only one way to avoid evil: run. If we try to justify evil deeds, sooner or later, we will be in trouble.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 10 DE ABRIL DE 2022 17:00 h
Leen Bias. / YouTube screenshot..

There are times when it would have been better to keep our mouth shut.

One of the coaches of the University of Maryland was commenting on LEN BIAS' cocaine addiction when he said: I am sure that those who can use cocaine in a proper manner can play better.

Len Bias died of an overdose a few months later, just when he had signed the contract of his life with the BOSTON CELTICS.

There is only one way to avoid evil: run. If we try to justify evil deeds, sooner or later, we will be in trouble.

Satan is an specialist in rationalising everything in such a way that he, almost always, manages to convince us.

It has happened since the beginning of mankind; the first sin committed by man and woman was preceded by a series of rationalisations that Adam and Eve did not know how to respond to (see Genesis 3).

Every time you try to find justification for what you do, even though you know it is wrong, you are taking one step closer to destruction. You must not give in to evil because Satan will do anything to fool us.

It is like falling in a way that you hardly notice at the time, but as you look back you know you were once better than you are now.

Look at Lot. He knew what was happening in Sodom, and he knew that he should not go anywhere near it, or even take his family there, but, as God was blessing his work and his wealth increased, Lot “pitched his tents near Sodom”. When he came to his senses, he was one Sodomite too many, he and all his family.

Look at a second example: Samson. He was, without a doubt, the strongest man that ever existed in the history of Israel: he had all the necessary qualities to be a winner, but his life is one of the saddest stories we know.

Samson could not drink wine, but he would walk in the vineyards; he could not go near to anything dead, but in the vineyard he saw a dead lion and he made a riddle; he could not marry a Philistine woman... but he told the answer of the riddle to the Philistines.

His entire life was a complete failure, because he always wanted to rationalise evil. How far can I go without anything happening?...this is a very dangerous question.

It is very easy for Satan to fool us. “You won't die just for trying it” and, “Everyone else is doing it and they are fine” or “Just a little can't hurt”. Without a doubt, those excuses will lead to destruction and death.




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