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Protestante Digital


No comparison

Today everything revolves around being better or worse than someone else, but God teaches us that we should never look down on anyone.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 13 DE MARZO DE 2022 17:00 h
NBA player Don Nelson. / [link]NBA.com[/link]

In the NBA the jersey numbers of the most important players in the team's history are retired, never to be used again.

The Boston Celtics Number 19 shirt was retired in memory of DON NELSON. He played for 11 years on the team and was NBA champion five times.

The most interesting thing in Don's case (today he is one of the best coaches in the NBA) is that he was almost never a starter on the team. He was a reserve.

We live in a time of comparison. Everything revolves around being better or worse than someone else. Each product is examined by its price, quality and what it claims to do in order to know if it is better than the rest.

Ever since we were children, we have learned to say things like: “my father is stronger than yours” or “our car goes faster than yours”.

We like to feel we are the best in everything; and the danger comes when we despise the people around us because they “don't have” or they “don't know”.

God teaches us that we should never look down on anyone. We are all useful and important: in the same way that a good reserve can change the result of a game, and someone we consider inferior can be superior in many situations. This is one of the reasons why comparisons are hateful.

Some other reasons are:

1. We don't all have the same opportunities in life.

2. Every person has different life circumstances.

3. Comparisons always lead to criticism of one of those being compared.

4. Comparisons cause cruelty in people.

5. There are no true reasons to compare: what seems best to us, may not be so for the other person.

6. Comparisons hurt the one who is less favoured.

7. We don't have the right to judge the life of other person.

8. Comparisons tend to justify the so-called superior one, with the argument that “I am not as bad as..”

9. God does not allow discrimination.

Keep this list open. There are many other reasons that you can add, not to mention the fact that we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.




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