Verbal abuse starts a destructive spiral, unpredictable and unstoppable, that frequently ends in violence.
You cannot say you are a follower of Jesus if your life does not show the gratitude that always characterised the Master.
Only those who know they are completely powerless before God, and accept what God did for them, can be saved.
Only by the power of God will you manage to get what you have set out to do.
God has used without distinction throughout history men and women full of His power who obeyed His call .
We have forgotten that we belong to God and not to ourselves.
We have no right to go around thinking that we wish we were like this or that person.
Please, stop complaining. It underlines our sin. Trust God and don't give up.
Get ready to receive the baton, run on and hand it over.
There are people who believe that they can do without God in their lives. Others say that God only speaks through them.
Sin is like that: it always looks pleasant and desirable. And once you have fallen into the trap, you become its slave.
We know that God is there in the midst of our sadness. He is with us, and He knows what we are going through.
Nothing in the world is comparable to the person of Jesus Christ.
After Lutz Long died as a prisoner in Sicily during World War Two, Jesse financed his son's education in America.
God says that we will be fully repaid for our ways.
Anything other than believing God's Word is cheating.
God only wants us to do our best and be brave. He loves us and doesn't classify people as “best”and “worst”.
We should always put Him first if we think that something goes against His Word.
We have become used to letting others, ourselves, and even God down.
God wants each one of us to accept him as Lord of our lives, since that is the only way our lives will have meaning.
One of the greatest lessons in the Christian life is to know how to get ahead of the enemy by accepting new promises.
God always responds, though sometimes not in the way or at the moment we would like.
The greatest desire of God is to have a deep relationship with us, His children.
Sometimes we are unable to hear the voice of God due to ignorance, lack of sensitivity or sin; that's when a good friend can help.
We are our own worst enemy when we follow only our own desires.
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