We have to fight against the flatness in our preaching to be as engaging as possible.
The Evangelical Council of Madrid and the regional government signed a collaboration protocol which includes Reformation Day as a relevant event in the region.
The Jericho Foundation started in Edward Road Baptist church as a ‘jobs club’ for the vulnerable and excluded. In the last 15 years, it has directly supported over 8,000 people.
Though fellowship among youth is important, it falls flat if it is not a consequence of developing a strong and loving personal relationships with Christ. By Jad Tabet.
Evangelicals denounce that “gambling laws are outdated” and urge the government to take measures to solve a problem that is “a gateway to an addiction”.
Free evangelicals are the Christian group who says they know the commandments in Exodus and Deuteronomy best (57%), a survey finds.
Engaging filial piety from a missional standpoint.
Projekts MCR is a pioneering skatepark in Manchester. It is invitational to those who wouldn’t usually consider skateboarding.
A report shows that there were 2,699 deaths from euthanasia in 2021, an increase of 10.39%. Most of them were performed at home to patients over 70.
A model for diaspora hospitality ministry from the peoples church of Toronto. An article by Nestor Abdon.
The challenge for the peoples of Europe today is to find the balance between protecting borders and open borders.
In a sentence, the highest court in Spain clearly opposes surrogacy because “it violates fundamental rights recognised in the Constitution and international agreements on human rights”.
This fruit is mentioned in Leviticus in relation to the feast of the Tabernacles and it actually refers to the citron tree.
You can tell most of them are not religious people. But now, everybody prays. They say, “We have no hope besides God”.
A report of the Social and Cultural Planning Office shows that only 33% say they believe in God. But “believers experience more meaningfulness than non-believers”.
Francis is a “liquid” pope who is liquifying an institution that has made its rocky and immutable structure a distinctive trait of its identity.
The amendment that allows to take all abortion pills at home within the first 10 weeks passed by 215 votes to 188. “It will have dire consequences for women”, evangelicals say.
Women of Hope is focusing on specific regions where women are commonly abused and exploited and where many have never heard God’s message of redemption.
This could be one of the greatest discoveries of biblical archaeology in modern times.
Different voices open our hearts and help us overcome little biases that might be lodged in our experience and church traditions.
The Bhojpuri pattern for church planting among the unreached. An article by Victor John and Dave Coles.
A NHS report warns that the “the clinical approach has not been subjected to some of the normal quality controls”, leaving minors “at considerable risk”.
Christian organisation European Freedom Network shared practical tips for refugees and churches helping them, to ensure they are cared for and protected from human traffickers.
“By maintaining an effective and equitable conservation of 30% to 50% of Earth’s land, freshwater and ocean areas, society can benefit from nature’s capacity to absorb and store carbon”, says the latest IPCC report.
The muted voices of the church in Europe were heard more prominently in Lausanne Europe 20/21 than at any other European evangelical gathering, but we still have work to do.
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