Christian forgiveness is given and received without conditions.
People need to learn the significance of eternal life, a life full of meaning based on a personal relationship with the Creator.
Without commitment, you can't grow in any area, be it sport, work, or relationships, much less in your spiritual life.
You never forget what you learned as a child.
This New Year we need to remember what is unchanging, so it can anchor us for the year ahead.
It is so important to control our thoughts and what we allow into our innermost hearts.
This book enables us to extend the conversation and consider further how to put people not devices at the centre of our lives.
Learn from the past, avoid its mistakes, and learn to trust more in God.
Only our personal relationship with God is worth anything.
We have to hold out until the end, when God will publicly reveal the truth.
Perhaps you feel that, of all God’s people in this continent, you are the most like Jonah at this time. You should know better, but you’ve drifted too far. God could simply give up on us, but he doesn’t.
The only way to have a complete life in every sense of the word is to be anchored in God.
Pray, talk and behave as God expects you to. Don't get impatient on the way, because the answer will come when you least expect it.
Be alert for new opportunities new challenges bring, trusting in God’s sovereignty.
There is nothing worse in approaching God than to go in a proud way.
Happiness is so simple to find: you just need to pay attention to what God says.
I had tried a number of solutions. Buying a new mattress. Reducing caffeine. Eating better. I didn’t know what else to try until the major culprit revealed itself: technology.
Growth in the Christian life depends on knowing the will of God and obeying it, day by day.
A lot of our issues lie in the interpersonal domain. Relationships shape all of us, including the way we relate to ourselves and to God.
God teaches us a spiritual law in the Bible that is always fulfilled: what we sow, is what we are going to reap.
If Jesus is who he claims to be, he is worthy of all your faith, your worship, your love.
God knows the suffering as much as we do. Only in Him can we find consolation.
How often do we petition Christ for the petty things, while ignoring the far greater gifts that he wants to give us?
Can we stand before jealousy? Moses’ conduct in this story gives us four pointers which will help us.
Our food is nothing more than the daily reading of the Bible and the daily contact with God in prayer.
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