martes, 1 de abril de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital



People need to learn the significance of eternal life, a life full of meaning based on a personal relationship with the Creator.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 31 DE ENERO DE 2021 17:00 h
Baltazar with a Bible. / YouTube

One of the South American football players that has won the Golden Boot Award for the greatest number of goals in a single season is BALTHAZAR M DE MORAIS JR.

Even so, the season after being declared the greatest scorer in Spain, Balthazar spent more time on the bench than in the game, due to a coach who didn't last long with the club.

It was during the 1989-90 League, and Balthazar, a faithful Christian, told one of the country's best-known newspapers: I may seem like some kind of alien from another planet for saying this, but being left out of the team on Sunday, and being forgotten, is not the most important thing. The most important thing is having peace with God.

If you read Hebrews chapter 11, you'll meet many people who gave their all to obey God and do good to others. People who scorned kingdoms and riches to have peace with God and make the world a better place, and who were scorned themselves by the world. Men and women of faith who grew, rooted in their trust in God.

The world was not worthy of them, because the world isn't used to contemplating their dignity and glory.

The world abuses us because we are not of this world. True, we were born and live in it, but the world doesn't see things as they are.

Materialism, falsehood, hatred, envy, and pride blind their eyes; their eyes are blinded by sin. That's why the world doesn't understand when we speak of God; they have another master. The Devil is the prince of this world.

I don't know how often you have stopped to think about your mission here. The Bible says that everyone who has received Jesus as Lord of his life is one of his AMBASSADORS.

Society will believe in God and learn about him by what it sees in us. We struggle to change the world, so that more and more people can come to know the Lord.

We want our friends to have the same peace with God that we enjoy. We are ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth; we teach others about the life God wants everyone to have.

People need to learn the significance of eternal life, a life full of meaning based on a personal relationship with the Creator. What a happy life!

The world only learns about this life when it looks at you and me.




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