To be a disciple of Jesus asks much of us, but we cannot fully describe how much we receive in the process.
Around 200 bookshops participate in this initiative “to promote the discovery of the Bible”, through animation and a Bible study online, among other resources.
The printing of the Gutenberg Bible was a milestone, enabling the mass production of books and the spread of knowledge to a much wider audience.
New Testament writers desired believers like us to be at home with eschatology, owning it for our lives, so that it doesn’t feel strange or scary.
The series ‘House of David’, which follows the development of the biblical character from his youth to become Israel's most famous king, will be available from 27 February.
The emphasis on reconciliation, faith in the workplace, and the next generation offers a model for how the Ukrainian church can address its own context.
Should we Christians just stay in our little church and family bubbles, resigned and passive, and wait for Christ to come? The view of a lecturer in Belgrade.
Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia and doctor of philosophy, has surprisingly recounted in his blog how, when and why he made the decision to follow Jesus.
The imitation instruction is not based on the burden of striving effort. Instead, it is to be fueled by the joy of a loving relationship.
Jack Hemmings, along with fellow veteran Stuart King, “wanted to use aviation for good”. They founded Mission Aviation Fellowship in 1945. The ministry still serves people in unreached places of the world.
In an event in Madrid, evangelicals celebrated four decades of uninterrupted broadcasting of the evangelical programme on national television RTVE.
A Christian must be willing to sacrifice his or her life for Christ and His Kingdom, but not for the whims of the ruler of the day and his delusions of a ‘holy nation’ with its supposed ‘historic mission’.
Hugo Pinto, writer and preacher in Portugal, reflects on the practicality of faith in all areas, including finance. “Money is like a knife in the kitchen”.
Sometimes the pursuit of being “interesting” and “relevant” undermines the exegetical integrity of our ministry.
2025 will be more fruitful if we hear from God by being in the Word, speak to God in prayer, respond in worship, and invest in life-giving relationships with other believers.
Yet for all the blame heaped on ‘religion’ for wars and strife, the influence of the teaching of the babe of Bethlehem on loving God and neighbour has been unparalleled.
Why did the angels play such a central role in the birth of Jesus? Some answers according to the Bible.
God, the Bible, the communicators and listeners, are all critical features of expository preaching.
God does not act on whims or take things lightly. There is a very deliberate effort to vividly and indelibly impress His true calling upon the church.
Youth With A Mission and the National Council of Evangelicals of France organise this initiative during the four days of the city traditional festival.
The YouVersion Bible app annual report shows that around 14 million engage in the Bible every day. Prayer and peace were among the top in-app search terms.
We must abandon the habit of trying to replicate our denomination in a different culture. We should strive to recapture the spirit of the early church, by identifying solely with Jesus.
The artefact contains instructions on how to reach "Ararat", the place where the Ark was left after the flood according to the book of Genesis.
In the midst of war, it is humbling to be reminded that the Creator of the universe is personally interested in each of us, and that His love for us is beyond our understanding.
The World Evangelical Alliance signed a memorandum with Korean denominations that form the organising committee for the event to be held in Seoul in October 2025.
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