Let’s not reduce Old Testament narratives to illustrations or children’s talks, but preach them as well as we can.
When leadership and preaching go together, the church isn’t functioning merely as a business, but as a spiritual community responding to the Word of God.
Although the Bible can be accessed digitally in hundreds of ways, the 'YouVersion' platform is by far the most widely used around the world.
A concise joint Christian statement signed by Pentecostals, Baptists, evangelical Lutherans, as well as the Roman Catholic bishops, denounces the “activism” and “pressures” of the government.
Our apologetics are our attempts to speak for God into this world, but the Bible is God’s Word spoken into this world.
The year 1880 was indeed a pivotal year in Van Gogh’s life, when he rejected institutional Christianity and what he saw as the hypocrisy of the clergy.
Next year will certainly be a holy year of religious tradition, but it cannot be called a jubilee in the biblical sense.
The arm of the Lord is a symbol of might and power that the nations should fear, and yet a symbol of tender strength that God’s people should trust.
Preach the Bible well, so that people can see not only what to believe, but how to derive that belief from the pages of Scripture.
Registration is now open for the ELF conference in Wisla (Poland), 17-22 May. Peter J. Williams of Tyndale House in the UK will be the Bible teacher.
My pilgrimage started on the other side of the world and has taken me from place to place before eventually starting a new Fountain tribe in the Netherlands.
We need an army of pragmatic Marthas, ready to serve and love their neighbour because they have first been an army of devoted Marys.
The Shem Tov Bible, written in 1312 featuring Jewish, Christian, and Islamic artistic styles, “is an essential piece of religious history”, experts say.
If my heart is concerned about what people think of me, I may well be blind to the truth of the text I claim to understand and then proclaim to others.
The popular Chinese online fashion retailer makes headlines for offering different clothing with biblical references.
About 70 participants from all regions gather to “discuss again what is at the heart of evangelical belief and theology and what is more secondary”, says FEET’s chair, Gert Kwakkel.
While some worldviews may be closer to a biblical understanding of reality than others, they are still the wrong map.
Looking back, it is clear that we are already extravagantly loved as God’s children. Looking forward, we discover that our revelation as the bride of Christ is still to come.
After 13 years of work, one of the largest indigenous communities in Colombia will be able to read the entire Bible in their native language.
Kids Games. a “week of sport, fun and creativity, along with biblical discovery”, celebrates its 20th anniversary.
Around 200 people listen to the word of God in the 30-minute beach services organised by the 300 participants of Reach Mallorca, along with local churches.
The foundation of the joy experienced by a true follower of Jesus Christ must not be due to personal achievements, but the knowledge of being in a sincere relationship with him.
The French Bible Society launches “More precious than gold”, a special edition of the New Testament that features fifteen testimonies of Christian athletes.
If Isaac had additional needs or disabilities, what does that say to us today?
While the engraver engraved "Spain" into the trophy for the fourth time, the television audience saw a Bible verse in the background.
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