Research at European Union level warns that there are many citizens who feel involuntarily isolated. Psychologist Josep Araguàs points to technology and the ageing of the population and emphasises the relational role of churches.
A new survey shows that most countries see Donald Trump with good eyes. Evangelical Focus asked analysts why Europe has become so isolated and what it means for relationships between evangelical Christians on a global level.
2025 will be more fruitful if we hear from God by being in the Word, speak to God in prayer, respond in worship, and invest in life-giving relationships with other believers.
All plenaries, workshops and roundtables were oriented towards the proclamation of the Gospel in our personal and collective spheres of influence.
Our theological education today needs theologians who practice theology from a living relationship with God.
The goal of preaching, theologically, is not just to learn about God, but to encounter Him, to enjoy Him, and be united to Him.
The foundation of the joy experienced by a true follower of Jesus Christ must not be due to personal achievements, but the knowledge of being in a sincere relationship with him.
OF is the personification of pornography. The empty promise is to offer its clients a space for interaction with women they desire, in the vague hope that they will not only get pleasure but also virtual companionship and intimacy.
Computer scientist Charlie Catlett comments on the cascade of new technologies coming to our mobile devices. “Those who will implement the best applications of AI are now probably in high school”.
The idea of spending a lifetime with the same person is increasingly surprising when it comes to marriage. The surprise, however, cannot hide our longings.
The sun appears to be setting on the dating app era and culture is on a mission to re-codify love, but what will we find in the aftermath?
We should look at the text and learn what it says and means and consider how it is stirring us to love God and live for God in this world.
Although researchers have repeatedly established that marriage is associated with numerous positive outcomes for both adults and children, few dare to champion marriage publically out of fear of sounding judgemental.
“It is a historical event, where about twelve churches of the city of Brașov, have come together and put aside our differences”, organisers said.
To a generation that is starving for human connection, the greatest gift the church can offer is relationship.
The Bible is ultimately about God, it presents itself with characters on the page, and it was written to real people in real situations.
Nine websites that have no age verification systems have been blocked. By age 12, nearly a third have already been exposed to such contents.
If you want to win: pray,keep an intimate and direct relationship with God and avoid evil.
Let’s take to heart the strength of Jesus’ conclusion to his famous Sermon on the Mount for ourselves and for others.
Janet Sewell has written a MA dissertation on how this new technology intersects with the mission of the church. “Let’s not forget that God's message has practically always been mediated”, she says.
Unlike a romantic relationship where feelings are shared and commitments publicly made, friendship’s informality can make it hard to know where we stand.
Who we are becoming will determine how we are able or unable to deal with the crises in Europe.
The document launched by the government focuses on how religious expressions impact the relationships of co-workers.
It is crucial to be sure that God is not just The Father in Heaven, or even Jesus’ Father in Heaven, but Our Father in heaven.
One in four have no close friends, statistics say. Christian communicator Sheridan Voysey encourages Europeans to answer a survey that will shape a pioneer “Friendship Lab”.
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