viernes, 18 de octubre de 2024   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital


Let the earth hear His voice

All plenaries, workshops and roundtables were oriented towards the proclamation of the Gospel in our personal and collective spheres of influence.

At the working tables, the 5,200 Congress participants chat after each session. / Photo: [link]Flickr Lausanne Movement[/link].

These days during the Lausanne Congress 2024 in Seoul, I remembered the motto of the first Congress in 1974 in Switzerland, which was: “Let the Earth hear His voice”.

Although this phrase may seem very grandiloquent, it perfectly describes the spirit of the World Evangelistic Congress through its four intercontinental editions over the last fifty years.

All plenaries, workshops and round tables have been essentially oriented towards the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus in every possible way, in our personal and collective spheres of influence, taking into account human diversity and the different breaches to be reached wisely.

[photo_footer] A moment of reflection during one of the speeches. /  Lausanne Movement [/photo_footer] 

Gentle and persuasive personal evangelism is one of the most interesting intentional ways of reaching out to people in general.

[destacate] Mass evangelism through music, popular testimonies and proclamation of the Gospel needs to take over the public square, otherwise all kinds of popular events that sinuously ideologise the masses with anti-values will fill it[/destacate] Creative and artistic campaign evangelism in urban and rural settings is also very important.

Mass evangelism through music, popular testimonies and proclamation of the Gospel also needs to take over the public square, streets and avenues of our cities, otherwise all kinds of popular events that sinuously ideologise the masses with anti-values will fill them.


Personal and relational witness

But one of the white fields for the harvest, which until very recently went totally unnoticed, is our personal witness in our regular workplaces through our daily living, being willing to help and give the best of ourselves to our co-workers.

As children of peace we can also mediate in interpersonal conflicts in a positive and prudent manner, and of course appropriately share the blessings of the Gospel and the new life in Christ with whom it may concern.

Undoubtedly the audio-visual as well as the written media play a very important role in communicating the Gospel and its good values for human coexistence.

[photo_footer] The motto of the Congress in Incheon is "Let the church declare and display Christ together". / Lausanne Movement [/photo_footer] 

The witness of life and behaviour in our social relations can also be seen and understood as an open letter read by all men and women in our immediate circle, written with the ink of the Spirit of the living God....

[destacate]One of the white fields for the harvest, which until very recently went totally unnoticed, is our personal witness in our regular workplaces through our daily living[/destacate] Another of the most important redemptive expressions has to do with our Christian communities as places of peace and blessing and as houses of mercy where God's grace and concern for one another heal wounded hearts and mend lives broken by sin and other human woes.

As long as the public powers, the media powers and other hidden powers are ahead of us we will be missing great opportunities to reach out to the lost in one way or another.

[photo_footer] The book of Acts guided the Bible expositions each morning. / Lausanne Movement [/photo_footer] 

We are the divine agents to spread and glorify the Word of our good God in every corner of our country, in Europe and to the ends of the earth.

Undoubtedly we are the voice, the hands and the feet of Christ to announce to the whole world the virtues of the One who called us out of spiritual darkness into His admirable light.

As we heard repeatedly these days, we need to unite both in our local communities and in our cities to develop collaborative actions to reach the greatest number of people for Christ, before it is too late for many.

Julio Pérez is a pastor of the Metropolitan church of Barcelona Betania, and the director and host of the radio program Tren de la Vida on Onda Paz in Spain.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).





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