As the Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom we are vehemently opposed to this bill and communicated as such. We are speaking with MPs and write submission to the parliament committee.
If we seek ultimate glory in the human being, we will travel all the paths of Ecclesiastes' frustration.
My description of our “new normal”, which will remain abnormal for weeks to come, could be read as complaining, but in my mind it is exactly the opposite, I feel grateful.
Today's mud is a lesson for tomorrow, hard and difficult to take, but it must do more than that, it cannot be in vain.
The church welcomed hundreds trick or treating in their neighbourhood to bravely enter a ‘Battle Zone’ in order to discover Light on a Dark Night.
For many, the celebration of evil at Halloween is as meaningless to them as their celebration of Christ’s death at Easter. We have the opportunity to raise questions and address underlying realities.
If the integration process in the big city is not successful, we risk losing several generations of young people who will live their spirituality away from the local church. By Ismael Rodelgo.
Countries such as Argentina or Korea have grown exponentially in the number of believers over the last decades, why not Spain?
All plenaries, workshops and roundtables were oriented towards the proclamation of the Gospel in our personal and collective spheres of influence.
The summer of 2024 has been a unique time, and we thank God for all that he did through this period and also for the fruit he will produce.
While the engraver engraved "Spain" into the trophy for the fourth time, the television audience saw a Bible verse in the background.
We are “users” of the Christian faith and can therefore recommend the Gospel to the people who have come to trust us as they see us living as Christians in a visible and tangible way.
For the most part, when the word ‘love’ is used in the West today, it refers to a feeling, and in many cases the feeling that can be described as ‘falling in love’.
What are the spiritual and theological characteristics of the Russian-speaking diaspora and what explains their tendency to form their own congregations?
Cass opens up the space for some fascinating missional conversations about dignity, care, respect, bodies and reality, deep discussions on what it means to be human.
The proposal to establish a regional Evangelical Alliance in Kaliningrad was well received and work has begun on formalizing the structures.
Today, secular Europeans have a very acute radar. They crave substance, not hype; what is real, not what is fake. They want God, not Christianity-lite. How can we meet this commendable need? By raising the bar spiritually.
The people who walked in darkness, with a leader like Napoleon, remained in darkness.
Experts, activists and NGO representatives from across Europe gathered for the first time in 3 years for European Freedom Network’s in-person conference in October.
About half of the Swedish population feels they cannot speak openly about their political and religious views.
The pandemic, and the war in Ukraine made the society more skeptical of the mainstream views and opened a door for Christian politicians.
The first surviving Christian writing outside the New Testament, Didache, already makes a statement against abortion, infanticide and paedophilia.
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