Jack Hemmings, along with fellow veteran Stuart King, “wanted to use aviation for good”. They founded Mission Aviation Fellowship in 1945. The ministry still serves people in unreached places of the world.
I hope we would agree that worship is more than song-singing. Actually, worship is about revelation of God and response to God.
Christian psychologist, Abigail Castellanos, shares her experience serving in the distribution of aid among flood victims, and in coordinating the reception of volunteers.
Three Christian managers from Valencia share how they are turning the nightmare into opportunities to serve others in the aftermath of the floods.
Let’s celebrate our ‘badges’ and use them to be a help and a blessing to people who haven’t earned their ‘badge’ yet, but are working towards it.
Christians protested against an anti-discrimination law that would restrict the freedoms of churches and individuals to live out their faith.
If the integration process in the big city is not successful, we risk losing several generations of young people who will live their spirituality away from the local church. By Ismael Rodelgo.
“In this sad time, it gives me great joy that the church is showing how God's love tastes”, says a pastor in Jeseník, one of the towns most affected in the Czech Republic.
All plenaries, workshops and roundtables were oriented towards the proclamation of the Gospel in our personal and collective spheres of influence.
In the first five months of 2024, 18,000 migrants arrived on the Canary Islands' coasts. Leaders of churches say solidarity is needed between regions in Spain.
At least 10 people were murdered and 30 kidnapped, including religious leaders, during several Sunday morning worship services, in just 2 weeks.
The evangelical church of O Grove to celebrate 100 years of Protestant presence in the town with various activities.
Are you the first to offer sincere congratulations? Do you intend to thank God for what has happened?
Around 200 people listen to the word of God in the 30-minute beach services organised by the 300 participants of Reach Mallorca, along with local churches.
“Our motivation is not only to share the gospel, which is a priority, but to be sensitive to the health of all”, says the president of the evangelical hospital foundation.
“In terms of resources invested and people assisted, evangelical social action would be among the largest NGOs in our country”, says the head of evangelical social action.
Many in the country express grief after Natalie Lloyd, Davy Lloyd and Jude Montis were murdered by gang members as they were returning from church.
The care of the children is integral, looking after each child “academically, physically, psychologically and spiritually”. Donations from evangelical churches, individuals and organisations can make the new project possible.
A waiter at Madrid's iconic Windsor hotel shares his experience serving top executives, presidents and even royalty, in a career marked by faith and perseverance.
In Spain, a group of Christians involved in creation care have published recommendations for both local churches and individual believers.
Far too often in the mission world, we mistake burnout as the height of service to God, but effective service cannot be done by a burnt out, shrivelled body, mind, or soul.
After two and a half years of works, the Nou hospital evangèlic will open its new facilities in April. “Barcelona wins”, say the local authorities.
A real encounter with God can be measured by the love for others it produces.
On Christmas Eve, as every year, the program of the evangelical churches on state television broadcast the Christmas service.
In the United Kingdom, carol services organised by churches are a massive outreach opportunity.
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