We interviewed Shahar Isaac (Peter) and Vanessa Benavente (Mary, mother of Jesus) on the day of the European premiere of Last Supper, the fifth season of The Chosen.
'Evangelical Focus' interviewed Jonathan Roumie, the lead actor of The Chosen, at the European premiere of the 5th season Last Supper in Madrid, Spain. Watch the full video.
Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in the well-known series ‘The Chosen’, shared his thoughts with us in an interview in Madrid. “You can have the greatest message in the world, but if you do not present it well, people won’t receive it”, he said.
Without our masks and characters, we are left with only ourselves, what we are, facing the only kind of “foolishness” we can afford: the gospel.
Why did the angels play such a central role in the birth of Jesus? Some answers according to the Bible.
May we hold fast to the truth that God gives growth as weak heralds proclaim a foolish message, trusting in God’s sovereign timing and purposes rather than our own.
“Singing at the Royal Albert Hall was an experience we will take with us for life”, says David Suárez, director of the group Vocal Groove, who, accompanied by the musical quartet Faith Collective, won a European competition.
For Lebanese followers of Christ, the call to peacemaking is not just a moral ideal and an expression of our love for God, but also a necessity for the survival of a diverse nation.
All plenaries, workshops and roundtables were oriented towards the proclamation of the Gospel in our personal and collective spheres of influence.
We are “users” of the Christian faith and can therefore recommend the Gospel to the people who have come to trust us as they see us living as Christians in a visible and tangible way.
A waiter at Madrid's iconic Windsor hotel shares his experience serving top executives, presidents and even royalty, in a career marked by faith and perseverance.
This miracle, incomprehensible from the point of view of pure logic, has been exercising the minds of numerous theologians and commentators since the 19th century.
Malchus’ story is a small footnote in the Gospels, but it is rich with impact as it contains so much that is easily overlooked in the history changing narrative.
To a generation that is starving for human connection, the greatest gift the church can offer is relationship.
The National Council of Evangelicals in France organised a gala dinner, “to encourage and honour those who bear a public evangelical witness on social media”.
The aim is to equip and mobilise university evangelists in Europe, so that public proclamation of the gospel becomes a regular feature of student ministry.
Together with many young Christians, I refused to serve in the Soviet army in 1974. Today, the questions asked by the relevant authorities have not changed much.
The Spanish project ‘Origin: The musical of Narnia’ aims to share “in a direct and clear way the Christian message behind” the well-known story created by C.S. Lewis.
Although many Farsi speakers are spiritually hungry, they struggle to find a safe space for asking questions about God. TWR is finding ways to break the silence.
The dogs referred by Jesus in Matthew 7 were animals that belonged to no one, running wild and untamed, and consuming any waste that they could find, including corpses, which was why they were regarded as unclean.
Pete Lupton, of the Czech Christian ministry NePornu: “The gospel offers grace to those hooked”.
An interview with Jonas Engström, a Swedish choir director and composer with a passion for Gospel music.
Jonas Engström, director of the Stockholm Gospel Choir Festival: “This is both my way of living and sharing my faith”.
The whole gospel includes the proclamation and incarnation of the love of Christ in which the body of Christ makes him visible to the world.
The missionary promoted the OM floating bookshop Logos that travels the world spreading the gospel. He passed away at the age of 84.
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