The most important time of each day is the time that you dedicate to being alone with your Creator.
A group of researchers discovered that certain arborical ant species use surprising algorithms to solve the problem of finding the shortest route.
Without the constant renewal of Christ’s peace in our hearts, our emphasis on simple living may be purely a matter of economics and even politics.
To be meek means renouncing your own rights, always being willing to help. It means being a little more like Jesus.
Almost 3,000 people requested euthanasia in 2022. Most were over 70 and had terminal cancer, but 17% “were not expected to die in the foreseeable future”, says official report.
Write down what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what maybe you could be rewarded for.
As the debate around abortion and euthanasia resurfaces in Spain, over 500 groups and thousands of families marched to “protect the life of the most vulnerable”.
The more we train ourselves in faith, love, humility and devotion to God, the easier it becomes to live in accordance with those qualities.
On the International Women’s Day, the Seneca Falls platform in Spain underlines that “the Bible condemns inequality, machismo and all kind of violence against women”.
Bitterness is one of the emotions that bring about bondage in a person, it binds our hearts and restricts our natural abilities.
The taste for adventure, wrongly applied, leads to rebellion and disobedience.
A Spanish Christian trucker and entrepreneur shares about how his Christian faith impacted over 40 years of work experience.
Scotland's First Minister candidate has always been public about her faith. She is clear, thoughtful, kind in her articulation. And she understands the consequences.
Despite all the escapes on offer, we cannot escape from ourselves. we need to recognise our smallness in the scheme of things.
“Human dignity does not depend on social consensus, but is an intrinsic quality of every human being”, states the text signed by Catholics, evangelicals, Anglicans, Muslims and Orthodox.
A Christian should never respond with evil for evil, much less evil for good.
Officials said that the charges “may well start again”. The defence claims that she is “in a significant legal unclarity and will seek clear verdict in court”.
The new text of the draft law changes the term “right” for “freedom to terminate the pregnancy”. To be finally adopted, the law must be voted in a referendum.
Jesus is the best teacher that has ever existed, and He is also our Saviour, King, Lord and friend.
The Portuguese Evangelical Alliance laments that there was neither a broad “philosophical, social and religious” conversation nor enough guarantees of “palliative and social care”. The parliament passed a third version of the text in December.
“The right to kill cannot become a supra-legislative rule, a constitutional right”, said organisers of the march for life.
One in four have no close friends, statistics say. Christian communicator Sheridan Voysey encourages Europeans to answer a survey that will shape a pioneer “Friendship Lab”.
We should not be wallowing in the daily problems of life in the same way as someone who does not know God.
There is no reason for us to be ashamed of the greatest thing that exists: God himself.
The Bible offers us salvation, spiritual growth, maturity and equipping for all aspects of life and ministry.
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