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Protestante Digital

In God’s team there is incomparable happiness, joy, triumph, and beauty, but there are also a lot of tears.

Who receives the blows?

In God’s team there is incomparable happiness, joy, triumph, and beauty, but there are also a lot of tears.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 18 DE JUNIO DE 2023 17:00 h
Monica Seles / [link] Stacey Warnke [/link], Wikimedia Commons.

Not too long ago we talked about the importance of being different, and in some way the champions in every sport are different.

But that also involves being the target of all kinds of attacks. Not only verbal, but unfortunately sometimes also physical aggression.

That's what happened some years ago to MONICA SELES, during a tennis match. For some reason, the one that is outstanding, the one that is different, is the one who becomes a target.

In God's team there is incomparable happiness, joy, triumph, and beauty to be had, but there are also a lot of tears.

That is not because God sends them to us, but because 'the one who is different, who is outstanding, is the one that receives the blows'.

Our enemy knows that we are valuable, and he seeks every possible way to destroy us. The Devil is not concerned with the lazy person, the nominal Christian, the passive Christian, or the one who does not do things for God because of fear.

He already control over those people. The ones who worry him are those who serve the Lord - with humility.

You know what? I think that it is better to be useful and to receive blows, than to be useless all your life. And I think that God's word supports this opinion.

It's true that service to God is watered with tears; it's true that when we work for him, we are exposed to attack, but we are not masochists.

God rewards fully all suffering, and more than that, when we find ourselves alone, God himself suffers with us.

As the songwriter explains:

'Although sometimes my life is a mystery,

And though the world does not want to meet you; Though many people try to break up my life,

For all that makes me live, and required your death... Thank you, Lord.'

Though all the glory is God's, and the blows are ours it is still worthwhile. God did it all for us.

Are just a few setbacks going to bother us? God was able to go to the cross because he loves you.

Are some gibes, and some suffering going to make you give up? We know that there are tears in the service of God!

But they are nothing compared to the reward God is going to give us.




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