The challenge for us is to set aside time to worship the Lord and seek specific prophetic blessings for our children and grandchildren – and for our spiritual children.
The whys and wherefores don’t matter, I just need God
Each person will carry his own sin, and that no matter how hard we try we will never be able to do anything to save ourselves or others.
How will we use the gifts God has given to us? What will be remembered for in the way that we have used these gifts?
They beg for a few cents’ worth of affection each day, without realizing they’re sitting on a huge seam of unconditional love…
Seven theological differences between Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Karl Barth.
Christian psychologist Lidia Martin analyses the “image-centered” culture in which we live, and how we can put personal care in the right place.
How much do you value Jesus? How important is he to you? He gave all he had to be one of us. He was willing to die for you and me.
A brief explanation of the five solas of Protestantism.
At birth, little does it matter to us whether we are disadvantaged or favoured. The only thing that matters is the love of those close to us.
French Minister of the Interior Cazeneuve guarantees the protection of worship places. The CNEF, concerned after second similar incident in just two months.
What mysterious properties do the Oikopleura dioica have to challenge God and cause such religious tremors?
“Many atheists are beginning to see that their loud, aggressive attitude is not working”, says Mathematics Prof. John Lennox in an interview with Evangelical Focus. “We need to spend time to get to know Scripture at beyond a kind of Sunday school class level”.
About 600 participants worshipped God together and reflected on the mission in Europe. Working groups were started in several areas.
Sometimes, in our own lives, we suffer hurt and to become discouraged seems to be the only way of reacting. But prayer has the power to help changing our attitude.
What has the Bible to say about Christians marrying non-Christians?
There is “a real appetite for the Bible and for training to communicate it more effectively”, believes Peter Mead.
New atheism, the definition of "faith", Christianity in Europe, the role of the Bible in mission, and the need to listen more. An exclusive interview recorded at "Forum Apologética" (Tarragona, Spain) in May 2016.
We can obey the creator, loving and caring for all the things he made; or we can obey the destroyer and do the things that pollute the atmosphere more each day.
The European Evangelical Alliance calls to pray for the referendum.
The survival of the Church today does not depend on Europe. But the survival of Europe as we know it certainly depends on the Church.
Myriad hints that point to the existence of a personal God who has given the world its structure.
Sir Fred Catherwood: “Patriotism gives to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. But in the end nationalism wants total allegiance, because it is more than politics. It is religion.”
Those who overtake me treat me to an amazing mime show featuring a whole range of whiners and complainers. It’s too funny for words (and cheaper than going to the movies!)
Any accommodation to the idea that we are ultimately capable of saving ourselves, any accommodation to the fact that salvation is not God’s gift from beginning to end is a slippery slope towards a false gospel.
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