Because of the paradoxical relationship between God’s freedom and human freedom, Christians need a robust “theology of surprise”.
Marcelo Crivella is nephew of Universal Church of the Kingdom of God leader Edo Maceido. The image of most ‘evangelical’ politicians in Brazil is very bad, says sociologist.
The Bertys free their chakras, consult all kinds of ‘specialists’: masters in guided meditation, mediums, kinesiologists, cleaners of cellular memories and even their animal totem (a snake!) to try to discover what they still lack…
I ask the Lord - who bore our griefs and pains - to erase the scars of the wounds and the pain of our Nigerian girl. And to show her that, for him and for all of us, she is a precious stone.
Am I building my Babel? / Brick upon brick / Constructing an edifice / Of my own achievement.
It would be a mistake to think that their story was nothing more than the nihilism of hopeless youth. Their rage was a cry of rebellion against an empty life.
We cannot use time better than when we give it to God, in every sense.
We set off, waving our last goodbyes to all those who made us so welcome... and at this exact moment, the mountain decides to show itself to us in all its splendor.
Workshops, seminars and awards were given during the annual meeting of the Alliance of Spanish Evangelical Writers and Communicators. Christians were challenged to connect contemporary culture with the gospel message.
A voice I longed to hear but / Whose sweet tones I had almost forgotten. / Too soft, too subtle, too strong. / Unshakeable, gentle steel. / You’re welcome.
Gretta Vosper, the spiritual leader of a church in Toronto, declares herself an atheist. The United Church of Canada believes she is “unsuitable to continue serving”.
We should take the angst we feel about crowns and rewards and then let that energy drive us into the Bible to explore what God is like.
The question should rather be: ‘Where do you look to?’
In the days and weeks that followed, I tried to contact them but the mail I sent to them was returned to me as the flat was no longer occupied. Puzzled, I made enquiries with their neighbors, but bizarrely, no-one seemed to have ever come across them..
“Nobody is your friend, nobody can feel what you feel and what you have left behind you… you need ears that listen to you.” M. tells her story as a refugee.
Michael Oh, Os Guiness, René Breuel, Rebecca Manley Pippert, Mutua Mahiani, Anne Zaki, Ravi Zacharias and others shared their views at the Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering in Jakarta (Indonesia).
God’s Secret Agent... (still on active service!)
To forgive requires first to be aware, through God’s light, of the dark hidden corners in our own heart.
To Jesus alone the glory; His amazing power is only equalled by his tenderness... And today, he still is the same.
Cheating and deceit may benefit us in the short term, but in the longer term they will take us away from God’s presence and from his purpose.
Christian weekly newspaper Uusi Tie (Finland) made a survey of the number of Christian baptisms among the new immigrants in the country.
There is something even stronger than prayer: Listening to God!
All those who are careful only when the coach is looking will never get anywhere.
I rained prayer upon prayer against the walls present in my own life, its injustices, recurrent struggles and other adversities.
God has always helped us when we were tired, and in the same way we resemble him when we unconditionally help those who suffer, are tired or depressed.
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