When asked on Facebook about his worldview, the founder of the social network responds: “Religion is very important to me”.
Do you still think you are self-sufficient?
The internet, smartphones, social media, instant messaging and other related technologies have had a dramatic impact on the way we communicate over the last 20 years, and therefore fundamentally how we relate to one another.
Tay Schmedtmann became a Christian six years ago: “I thank God that I do not have to do things in my own strength, He is behind me”.
‘This is the place where the Messiah chose to come, die and... return’. A video produced by Alto Concept.
As there is no better way of gaining time than by talking with God I go into the forest.
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) converted to Christianity when he was young, going on to become one of the foremost Protestant composers.
The father of the Real Madrid player refused to manage his son’s image rights in a tax haven. Christian faith is “important” to the family.
These giants contemplate me scornfully from on high, looking at the little man at their feet in a monk-like silence. Who dares disturb their sleep?
The new man, dreamed up by el Che, does not exist and will never exist, if he is not born from above.
The feng shui mirrors, the statuettes of Ganesh, the Tarot games... From now on, they have no need of these lucky charms and protections, as they have all of that and morem, in Jesus alone!
If we could all just affirm that everybody worships the same God, would there be much more peace in the world? Dr. Andy Bannister, Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity gives answers.
While the risk society is a secular phenomenon, it provides an opportunity for Christians to live distinctively and attractively.
Barry Richards, on of the best South African cricket players once said: “I would have preferred to make fewer runs and more friends.”
She still doesn’t know the sweetness of this voice: it is the voice of Jesus, who is entering the game again!
God loves us just the way we are. This is the most simple of truths, but one of the hardest to understand.
This beautiful butterfly reminds me of the fact that we Christians, in some way, are also an endangered species. It seems that we are living in populations that are isolated from society as a whole.
National greatness in God’s eyes is outward focused, and rather than being the object of God’s blessing, any material prosperity was to be seen as an outworking of their obedience to God’s ways.
A man who thinks the whole world revolves around him has been helped into the White House by millions of evangelical Christians.
The MVP of the “World Series” champions Chicago Cubs defines himself as a “follower of Jesus Christ”. Teammate Dexter Fowler is also a committed Christian.
His wife’s body, bathed in sweat, is in the throes of convulsions. Véro would love to be able to cry out, but her cries remain stuck in her throat.
How many people have I seen over the years whose faith has been diluted, even extinguished, say, by a spouse who was not a believer, or by a business partner who did not share the same Christian values.
Am I actually / really competent at anything? / How does it feel to be a grown up?
The new song of Spanish folk band ‘Papel Maché’ is about the hope of life after death.
Nikos Stefanidis of ‘Helping Hands’ in Athens (Greece) shares the story of an Afghan lady who decided to follow Jesus.
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