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Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

In hiding

All those who are careful only when the coach is looking will never get anywhere.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 13 DE AGOSTO DE 2016 17:20 h
Miguel Indirain

To play a "clean game" means not being violent and following the rules of the game at all times. Sometimes sportspeople go beyond even this ideal, and we see beautiful examples of people unselfishly giving their opponents an advantage.

During the cycling world championship in 1995, in the last round of the circuit, the Spanish cyclist Olano attacked, and everyone waited to see what INDURAIN, the favourite and best cyclist of that time, would do. Indurain almost braked, and the Spanish coach drove up with his car and said, "Olano has gone." To which Indurain answered, "Let him win."

When we talk of a clean game we can also refer to something else: to play (and live) cleanly, healthily. However, it is possible to deceive the coach and directors, and when they are not looking, do all kinds of "little things" that destroy our body and ruin our abilities. It is not only the unnecessary substances we put into our bodies, but also the bad attitude and behaviour that drag us down to failure.

We read in the word of God the story of a teenaged Daniel who knew how to stand up to the circumstances, and not allow others to govern his life. Get into his shoes for a moment: you are a teenager who has been taken captive, by force, to a place where you do not know anyone, and nobody knows you.

A place where your family and friends cannot reach you – in those days travel was not as easy as nowadays. You are responsible for your own actions. You are alone: how are you going to live?

Daniel was very clear: in spite of everything, he determined in his heart not to get contaminated. Although nobody was watching, although he could do as he pleased, he wanted to be loyal to God.

It is so important to be yourself! It is so important to dare to be different! Although those around him tried to convince him, he did not give up his faithfulness towards God.

We should always give the best to God. We should do thing as well as possible and take care of ourselves, to the limit, even if no one is watching.

Many people act in a certain way in front of others, and in a different way when nobody is watching. We are different! Our behaviour should be clean and transparent, loyal in all circumstances. We do not need to deceive anyone.

All those who are careful only when the coach is looking will never get anywhere. All who do things in hiding will never be free. I think we are willing to make a decision like Daniel's. Our loyalty towards God is the most important thing. Although others may behave differently.




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