miercoles, 23 de octubre de 2024   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernández

I am worn out

God has always helped us when we were tired, and in the same way we resemble him when we unconditionally help those who suffer, are tired or depressed.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 07 DE AGOSTO DE 2016 12:10 h
Emil Zatopek

We have spoken before of the "Human Engine", the Czech EMIL ZATOPECK, the only man capable of winning all the endurance races in the same Olympics. Due to his sporting triumphs, the government named him a Colonel of the Czech army.

In the famous "Prague Spring" (anti-USSR revolution), Emil was one of 2.000 people who signed a declaration supporting Alexander Dubcek (against the Soviet invasion).

The government then reduced him to a street sweeper! They say that the women of the town would sweep the streets before he arrived, to save him the humiliation.

Many are tired of life. Some because of their difficult circumstances, others because of family or social problems.

Many others suffer from depression, or are alone... even though our civilisation is more "advanced" and "happier", all the time more people around us are living with despair and without help.

Hundreds of years ago the prophet asked God for wisdom to "help the weary", and this is something we should continue asking for today.

God has always helped us when we were tired, and in the same way we resemble him when we unconditionally help those who suffer, are tired or depressed.

This is the best way to share the Gospel of God: if when people are tired, they know they can come to you; if when someone is alone, he can be sure that we are there by his side, if when someone is depressed or anguished he knows that we will be there to listen...

We are simply showing others what God does for us! That is one of the purposes of our life: to help the tired, physically and spiritually.

Many of the people we know live on their own. We should be the first to be by their side.

Many have all kinds of problems. Social, family, work, personal problems... we should help them solve those problems, pray for them and explain how God can change any situation.

Many people live their lives defeated by their own depression, and we should ask for God's wisdom to talk to them, in order to lift them up with the right words and actions.




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