If what we give value to is something temporary, we will never learn to fly.
Jesus taught us that everyone is useful and important, no matter their age, sex, or physical condition.
Humility means depending on God alone in every situation, always being ready to learn from Him.
Large-scale AI systems consume enormous amounts of energy. Yet the material details of those costs remain vague in the social imagination.
Nothing is as worthy of our commitment as our family.
God does not only love us, He is love: that's one of His attributes.
“Humanity lies in refusing to give in to demographic, lobbyist or economic pressures that call for facilitating early death", says the National Council of Evangelicals in France.
Any person with Down's syndrome has the right to laugh, to cry, to feel love and suffer heartbreak, to enjoy sunsets, to work, to serve others. God, forgive us for being so selfish, cruel and hypocritical.
None of God’s children can be mistreated or feel unimportant, even if they only have five loaves of bread.
Big Tech companies in the US and China “spread technologies and hope that any problems that might follow will be easily overcome”, says expert Jonathan Ebsworth. Giants such as Meta have not demonstrated a willingness to seek “the good of society as a whole”.
I want to make more of my time as far as reading is concerned. A lot of that motivation has come from taking a couple of hours to organise my shelves.
My Apple Watch lights up to pay, and in my pocket, I feel the buzz of my banking app notification: £2.45 debited for a large latte. Beep, the Oyster card taps seamlessly on the Number 36 bus.
It is not possible to avoid every negative motive all the time, but we must beware lest any of these start to fester within and then characterise our ministry.
This book enables us to extend the conversation and consider further how to put people not devices at the centre of our lives.
Jonathan Ebsworth of Tech Human shares practical tips. “Real embodied human relationships are messy and difficult, but it is where we can find true love and acceptance; even if the digital world feels more accepting”.
Europe and other regions in the world are trying to control the power of large companies such as Amazon, Google or Alibaba. But there is no agreement about what the rules should be, says expert Jonathan Ebsworth.
His greatest desire is to see us all qualified for the greatest Olympics in history, where the prize is life itself.
The Spanish Bible Society launches a new version of the most widely read Bible in Spanish, “with an agile text but keeping the legacy of the original Bear Bible”.
Nothing is more important than for us to set aside the best that we have for the Lord.
Large-scale use of algorithms has the potential to cause severe harm to individuals and communities. Lessons from the 2020 public examination results fiasco in the UK.
A theology of digital technology written by a professor of computer science who benefited from fruitful interactions with his colleagues in Christian philosophy and theology.
Nobody does any more important work than those who pray for others.
Jonathan Ebsworth of the TechHuman initiative warns that some technologies being used in Europe are “approaching a level of quasi-omniscience that no human enterprise ought to have”.
The Constitution “includes a right to a self-determined death”, the court says. Protestant and Catholic leaders issued a joint statement lamenting the decision.
You are so much more than you seem, you are so much more than what people see.
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