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Protestante Digital


Work in the background

Nobody does any more important work than those who pray for others.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 21 DE JUNIO DE 2020 17:00 h
Emilio Butragueño. / [link]Wikipedia[/link]

Sometimes the stars of sport seem almost inaccessible. It is very difficult to speak to them because there are always hundreds of people around them.

This was not the case with EMILIO BUTRAGUENO, one of the leading figures of European football, and all-time leading goal-scorer of the Spanish international team.

He always had time to speak to anyone. Recently he declared: “An electrician is worth more than me” .

Maybe there is someone reading this passage who feels insignificant. Maybe circumstances have made you ill: you are sick, bed-ridden, disabled.

You think that life has been cruel and, some may tell you, “You are no use for anything”. Don't believe it: many things that are happening now in the world, depend on you alone.

No, I am not making fun of anyone. I am writing about what God has taught us, a long time ago. I am talking about the possibility of doing and undoing without leaving your home.

I am writing about the reality of the most important power that exists in the universe: PRAYER.

I will always repeat this message. God says that when we pray for somebody we are working with Him.

He is there, at our side, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, using all our energy.Victory or defeat depends on our prayer!

When we speak with God and ask help for another person, when we pray and intercede for the work of another, we are literally attacking the prince of darkness and of evil.

We are asking the Spirit of God to work and send angels to help the person for whom we are praying.

When we shut ourselves in our room and pray to God, our prayer arrives at the same Heavenly Throne and is able to change things, to move mountains, destroy evil empires, and unleash unlimited power.

When we pray, we work in unity with God and with his children. Nobody has more grace than the one who prays, nothing is more important than to be in intimate communion with God.

Nobody does any more important work than those who pray for others.




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