The cultural institution in western Spain is awarded by evangelical Christians for its outstanding contribution to the proper recognition of the Spanish Reformers, especially Casiodoro de Reina from Extremadura.
Notoriously, evangelical Italy lacks press agencies and evangelical news websites. Can Evangelical Focus’s experience inspire something new here too?
The battle for the Truth is “the good fight”, the one worth fighting for to the end, the race par excellence.
The work of Pedro Tarquis and Pablo Martínez as founders of Spanish news website Protestante Digital was awarded in Madrid.
The Spanish historian and director of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, received the prize given by news website Protestante Digital.
As a team, we hope to find people in Europe and elsewhere who identify with our vision of faith and society. Learn how to donate towards #OneMoreYearEF.
In its 20 years of existence, a news website about current affairs and the church in Spain has managed to bring together more than 500 authors from all kinds of evangelical denominations and backgrounds.
Its daily contents and the contribution of hundreds of authors since 2003, make it the largest evangelical news website in Spain. The celebration gathered friends and supporters.
Despite the significant evangelical growth that Spain has experienced in recent decades, a large part of society continues to ignore Protestants. Two decades later, our vision for this journalistic project remains the same.
(Activate youtube subtitles for English). Watch the reactions of mayor Antonio Muñoz and evangelical representatives at the event held in the Sourthern Spanish city on 13 April.
The Mayor of Seville received the Spanish news website Protestante Digital prize, which celebrates coexistence. A hundred people attended an emotional event.
The award goes in its fourteenth edition to the Seville City Council. The city promotes a touristic route of Protestant history and has named several streets after Evangelical women.
In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, many may be forced to experiment with this kind of work in the coming months.
The Unamuno Prize was given to philosopher and university professor José Luis Villacañas, for “his brave defense of the memory of Protestantism as an integral part of the history of Spain”.
The book “Evangelicals in the new Era of Communication” addresses fake news, the use of social media, the handling of controversial issues and stereotypes about evangelicals, and the challenges of secular Europe.
Since 2006, news website Protestante Digital gives the award to non-Protestant Spaniards who work for religious freedom and coexistence.
A bookshop in Barcelona hosted the event to celebrate the trajectory of the Spanish online magazine. It was a time of reunions, emotion and fresh commitment to the vision of building bridges between evangelical churches and society.
The website will be launched before summer, offering opinion and information from a Latin American context. ‘Evangélico Digital’ is linked to ‘Evangelical Focus’ through the ‘Areópago Protestante’ media group.
The legal entity names new directors for its two media projects: Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital.
Former Minister of Culture and Socialist Party leader in Madrid, Ángel Gabilondo, thanks Protestants for their contribution to the advance of “freedoms.”
The Unamuno prize was awarded to writer and academic Antonio Muñoz Molina, for “his appreciation to the so-called ‘Bear Bible’.”
The Unamuno prize was awarded to journalist Jose Maria Calviño, for propelling the first evangelical program in the Spanish public broadcasting system. “I only did what was fair”, he said.
Psychiatrist Pablo Martínez, pastor Jaume Llenas and director of Evangelical Focus Pedro Tarquis propelled the project after following the evolution of Spain’s Protestante Digital.
It is the 10th edition of the Unamuno Prize, created to honour a person or an institution that, not being Protestant, defends freedom of religion and interacts with the evangelical churches.
I wonder if there is maybe a legacy in that blank verse that was Unamuno’s life, a legacy that we, Christians following Jesus in Spain, should take.
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