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Juan José Primo Jurado, Unamuno Prize winner: “True power is service”

The Spanish historian and director of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, received the prize given by news website Protestante Digital.

AUTOR 16/Daniel_Hofkamp,5/Evangelical_Focus CORDOBA 21 DE FEBRERO DE 2024 18:05 h
Juan José Primo Jurado, during his speech after receiving the Unamuno Prize / VMERINO, ABC Sevilla via Instagram Primo Jurado.

The Unamuno Friend of the Protestants Prize, awarded by Spanish news website Protestante Digital, went this year to Juan José Primo Jurado, writer, historian and current director of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage.

Since 2006, this award has recognised the work of a person or entity in favour of coexistence and plurality.

The ceremony was attended by Juan José Jurado's family, friends, colleagues, local press and a representative presence of evangelical leaders, as well as representatives of all the political parties with a presence in the city council of Córdoba.

Eva Contador, deputy mayor and delegate of Social Services of the City Council, praised the work of the winner and emphasised that Córdoba is a city that celebrates religious plurality and coexistence.

[photo_footer]  Pedro Tarquis, Juan José Primo Jurado, Antonio Simoni and Daniel Hofkamp, at the award ceremony. [/photo_footer] 


A prize to thank and build bridges

Pedro Tarquis, general director of Protestante Digital, explained the history of the award, now in its fifteenth edition, which has been given to political, cultural and social figures such as former mayor of Madrid Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, well-known novelist Antonio Muñoz Molina, and historian José Luis Villacañas.

Primo Jurado expressed his closeness to the Protestants, whom "I got to know through their work" in aid and social action, as well as in areas such as the fight against human trafficking in Spain, and social rehabilitation. He also expressed his harmony with evangelical Christians "in prayer", something he said he shares as a Catholic.

[photo_footer]  Xesús Manuel Suárez, during the presentation of the Unamuno Prize, friend of the Protestants / D.Hofkamp [/photo_footer] 

For the historian, institutional positions "must be at the service of society as a whole. True power is service", he said, as he recalled the past of persecution and division of Spain, a reality that must be overcome.

"Those of us who share the values of Christian humanism must be united in what is essential, because the totalitarianisms born in the 20th century seek to destroy God in society", pointed out Primo Jurado.

[photo_footer]  Among the attendees, political and evangelical leaders from the city and other parts of Spain. / D.Hofkamp [/photo_footer] 


A modest and moving celebration

The secretary general of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, Xesús Manuel Suárez, also had a few words emphasising the importance of the "freedom of conscience" that Miguel de Unamuno defended in the 20th century.

Philologist and evangelical pastor Asun Quintana made a journey through the writings and the friendship of Miguel de Unamuno with the evangelicals of his time. This reached its peak in the dramatic situation with evangelical pastor Atilano Coco in the Salamanca of the 1930s.

[photo_footer]  Juan José Primo Jurado, with the prize, accompanied by his two children. / D.Hofkamp [/photo_footer] 

Historian Antonio Simoni, professor at the Assemblies of God faculty in La Carlota and pastor in Córdoba, explained the work for which the laureate deserved the award.

After the ceremony, the attendees continued talking and enjoying a moment of joy and unity around an award that shows the value of dialogue and coexistence.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

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