The online class aims to “understand what is happening in European culture and give a way forward on how to respond as a follower of Jesus”.
In the first half of 2024, the arrivals of migrants to Spain tripled those of the entire year before. The director of a large evangelical NGO calls for a new Immigration Law and encourages citizens to “reflect critically” on what is said in the media.
The popular Chinese online fashion retailer makes headlines for offering different clothing with biblical references.
Christians need to “anchor their action in in-depth biblical reflection”, says Marjorie Legendre, one of the twelve authors of a new book that connects current issues and evangelical faith.
Preventing abuse and misuse of power in Christian ministry.
About 70 participants from all regions gather to “discuss again what is at the heart of evangelical belief and theology and what is more secondary”, says FEET’s chair, Gert Kwakkel.
After 13 years of work, one of the largest indigenous communities in Colombia will be able to read the entire Bible in their native language.
Common decency says we should not liken anything today to 1930’s Germany. In light of what has happened recently and what may lie ahead, maybe it would be wiser if we did.
We must be incarnational, engaging in civil society and promoting social cohesion as peacemakers while revealing the hope of the kingdom in Christ.
The French Bible Society launches “More precious than gold”, a special edition of the New Testament that features fifteen testimonies of Christian athletes.
“Our motivation is not only to share the gospel, which is a priority, but to be sensitive to the health of all”, says the president of the evangelical hospital foundation.
Many churches who shifted to a more “missional” posture , simply added missional programs, without recalibrating the church in light of our incarnational Head: Jesus.
Why do people assume that the freedom of speech and of religion will persist when those asserting their power are committed to a different morality?
We are “users” of the Christian faith and can therefore recommend the Gospel to the people who have come to trust us as they see us living as Christians in a visible and tangible way.
A survey finds that the image of Swiss evangelical free churches has improved, specially among young people aged 18 to 39.
I don’t want to condemn the church in the 1930s without acknowledging how easily cowed the church in the 2020s might prove to be.
“In terms of resources invested and people assisted, evangelical social action would be among the largest NGOs in our country”, says the head of evangelical social action.
I’d like to ponder what Nazi Germany might mean for how we preach and influence both church and society in our tumultuous times.
For the most part, when the word ‘love’ is used in the West today, it refers to a feeling, and in many cases the feeling that can be described as ‘falling in love’.
The ‘I am a Guardian’ movement celebrated its tenth anniversary with its annual training on how to prevent and address child and adolescent abuse.
The work of Pedro Tarquis and Pablo Martínez as founders of Spanish news website Protestante Digital was awarded in Madrid.
The Cameroonian Evangelical church needs to recover her historical face, in order to strengthen her ecclesial and societal identity.
The intersection of physical and spiritual health among frontier peoples.
After two and a half years of works, the Nou hospital evangèlic will open its new facilities in April. “Barcelona wins”, say the local authorities.
The Spanish historian and director of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, received the prize given by news website Protestante Digital.
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