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Protestante Digital


Make ‘Evangelical Focus’ sustainable by supporting our 4 journalists

As a team, we hope to find people in Europe and elsewhere who identify with our vision of faith and society. Learn how to donate towards #OneMoreYearEF.

EDITORIAL AUTOR 7/Joel_Forster 15 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2023 14:10 h
Join our effort to make Evangelical Focus sustainable. / [link]One More Year EF[/link].

You may have followed us for some time.

Much has happened since we launched Evangelical Focus. In January 2015, we jumped with faith into a project to serve all of Europe, with a Mediterranean taste. Our aim, to do a journalism that would help build bridges between church and society.

Almost 9 years later, after 20,900 news pieces and 3,200 opinion articles by 387 authors, we are sharing with you a dream.

We would really love to see people and churches across Europe and beyond support Evangelical Focus. More specificially, we want to make the work of the 4 full-time committed journalists sustainable. Two of them lead this site and the other two, Protestante Digital (our Spanish project, discover it here).

[photo_footer]  Joel Forster and Belén Díaz work for Evangelical Focus, Daniel Hofkamp and Jonatan Soriano, for Protestante Digital. [/photo_footer] 

We see our journalistic vocaction as a discipleship ministry to help Christians connect what they see in society with their faith, to analyse the issues of our time through the lens of a biblical worldview.

And we want to do it offering contents for everyone to read without barriers.

Would you miss Evangelical Focus if it disappeared?

If this is your case, I invite you to join those who have been making the work of Joel, Belén, Daniel and Jonatan possible all these years. You can click on their names to get to know them better.

We are thinking of two options. Join us with a one-off donation. Or become a patron by giving €10 per month.

Read the details in English accessing the campaign below.

Please pray for the daily work of our journalists. And share widely the Evangelical Focus contents you enjoy.

Encouraged by your support and the grace of our Lord, we continue our work... #OneMoreYearEF!


Joel Forster, Director of Evangelical Focus.




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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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