We are used to talking too much and doing too little. We are specialists in words and illiterate in power.
The arm of the Lord is a symbol of might and power that the nations should fear, and yet a symbol of tender strength that God’s people should trust.
In The Rings of Power it is not clear where the evil comes from. A much deeper presentation of the problem than the classic pagan vision of an eternal, impersonal force that simply exists to oppose good.
Preventing abuse and misuse of power in Christian ministry.
It is crucial to be sure that God is not just The Father in Heaven, or even Jesus’ Father in Heaven, but Our Father in heaven.
God allows us to fall because of our weaknesses, so that we would recognise that our power must come from Him,
None of God’s children can be mistreated or feel unimportant, even if they only have five loaves of bread.
Though fellowship among youth is important, it falls flat if it is not a consequence of developing a strong and loving personal relationships with Christ. By Jad Tabet.
Let’s continue to read His Word and be gripped by who He is. We could rejoice in the reality that far surpasses all our dreams and yet opposes all our fleshly pursuits.
Fear is a feature of life in this fallen world. Fear Jesus, for he is more powerful and significant than any evil.
The entity was created by the government of Imran Khan. Pakistani Christians say it “quotes and voices the minority issues, but it has not real power” to protect them.
There are people who believe that they can do without God in their lives. Others say that God only speaks through them.
God says that we will be fully repaid for our ways.
Often, we think that the positive impact we are making for the Kingdom justifies or counterbalances the “perks” we granted ourselves along the way.
In an interview, team members of the evangelical magazine ‘Ultimato’ analyse the burning issues of the largest country of South America. “The organic approach to church during confinement could change our ecclesiology”.
Begin by asking God to show us his will and then everything else will fall into place in its time.
For all who trust in Christ, there is real and eternal hope. In the storm, at some point, He will reveal his true glory to us.
The processional way was approximately 250 meters long, 20 meters wide and was adorned with 120 lions. The Ishtar gate hosted the festival of the Babylonian new year.
“MinorMatters” equips citizens to promote religious freedom. “The award shows that promoting understanding among different religious groups can overcome fear”, WEA General Secretary says.
Strengthening the church in the face of a troublesome trend.
Leaving behind individualistic materialism for integral mission.
In a joint statement, the main religious groups asked the candidates to “present their ideas clearly” and establish “state policies beyond the alternation”.
Despite the decline of crimes, these organisations still are very influential in Southern Italy. Christians should “face Mafia with the Biblical responsibility that it deserves”, says Giuseppe Rizza of the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
How integrity can tame the beast of bribes and extortion.
What should fill us with hope is that the present order of things won’t always remain the same: everything will be turned upside down and in the end it is not the powerful that will triumph.
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