viernes, 7 de marzo de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernández

Really easy

Jesus overcame death, when, after suffering on the cross, he came back to life, proving himself the victor when he appeared to more than five hundred people in different situations.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 18 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2016 21:45 h
Larry Bird.

LARRY BIRD was one of the best basketball players in history, not only because of his victories, but also for his attitude.

In his last years he played in spite of suffering a lot with back problems. It was not the first time in his career in professional basketball that he had played with physical problems.

"Some can play with an injured finger, others take six weeks of rest," explained Larry, who always had the attitude of a winner.

It is often not whether a player is better or worse which is important, what really counts is their attitude. Are you a winner or a loser? If you are really good, but you have the attitude of a loser, you will not get anywhere. That is exactly what happened in the Bible story we read today. Twelve spies were sent out to the Promised Land, and everyone depended on their report. The spies would say if it was possible to conquer the land or not.

Ten of the spies were losers: they saw the large enemy soldiers, the large weapons, and the great armies of the enemies. "It is not worth fighting," they said. Yet Joshua and Caleb did not understand this language of defeat: "It is true, they are giants, but... they will be really easy for us! Let us go and get them!" If you needed people for your team who would you choose of the twelve? The winners? Of course! However, the people of Israel listened to the losers.

They did not learn the lesson of Luke 1:37. Will you? It says, "Before problems, complications, or difficult situations, apply Luke 1:37." A son of God is never on the team with a loser's attitude. You cannot talk about losing, when the Captain of the team is the greatest victor of the Universe.

Jesus overcame death, when, after suffering on the cross, he came back to life, proving himself the victor when he appeared to more than five hundred people in different situations. However, the greatest enemy, death, was overcome. Then, why do we worry about the smaller ones?

What do you have before you? A difficult situation? It is very easy! A person who does not want to hear about God? It is really easy! An enemy who wants to defeat you? That is very easy! Apply Luke 1:37.




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