martes, 1 de abril de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernández

There is no other way

The word of God speaks of only one way to be saved: to believe in Christ.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 27 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2016 09:05 h
Michael Chang

At less than 20 years of age, in the year 1990, he was one of the five best tennis players in the world. He won the Roland Garros tournament (Paris, France) and what they said about him in the Los Angeles Times was: "Some kids go to Paris to study history, others go there to make history."

We are speaking about MICHAEL CHANG, who was only 17 when he won the famous championship. Even though he was very young at the time, Michael had already learned what was the most important thing in life: "Some think I am a perfect kid, but I only want to be a reflection of Jesus."

We can never speak enough about the overriding importance of JesusChrist in human life. The word of God speaks of ONLY ONE WAY to be saved: to believe in Christ. All who believe have the security of knowing that their life is in Christ's hands.

All who reject him are condemned. You are free to chose your destiny, but once it is chosen, you cannot turn back: you can do it while you have time, but the moment death comes, there is no changing your mind. There is no other option; if you reject Christ, you are condemned to face God's judgment.

God needed to be that clear regarding the salvation of humanity. Nowadays there are hundreds of religions and cults that proclaim different ways, without worrying about what God says. This is the key question: Is Jesus, God made man, the only way of salvation?

If the answer is yes, it means we are going the right way. If there is anything added to it, or changed, beware! That way leads to death. The Apostle Paul himself said clearly: "There is salvation in no other, because there is no other name given to men in which we may be saved." (Acts 4:12)

Christ is the only one who rose from the dead, the only one who overcame death. All the great founders of religions (Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius...) and all those who form other cults, are dead, and we all know where their remains lie.

The tomb of Jesus is empty: he is the only one who can claim to have power over death. And he proved it. This is the difference: to follow Christ.

Everything else leads to condemnation. You can encounter death calmly and trusting that God will protect your future, or you can live and die embittered by the uncertainty of the future... what is there in your life? Where are you headed for?




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