We are our own worst enemy when we follow only our own desires.
Don't fill your heart with envy; fix your eyes on Jesus, the only One we need to look at in any situation.
God tells us in the Bible that He will never forget what we give to others.
God has given us the best map to guide us on our way: the Bible.
Australian Nicola McDermott breaks the 2 meters national record and qualifies for the Tokyo Olympics. She and other sportspeople aim “to see athletes transformed by Jesus”.
When we thank God in all circumstances, we learn to overcome them.
God controls everything so that some day we will know that it was all for our good.
17-year-old Gerson Pozo becomes the second best Spanish athlete of all time in the U20 400m. “Olympics are my dream, but we will see what doors God opens”, says the evangelical Christian.
God encourages us not to grow weary of doing good, helping and serving others.
In the Bible we see people like us who were tempted to give in, but were restored by God.
Let us not forget that the Human Rights that are at stake were born in the fertile soil of Christianity.
There is nothing like reacting to aggression and scorn with a smile and kindness, turning the other cheek.
The Bible says that time is running out. Those of us who have already acknowledged Him as Lord will live with Him forever.
God doesn't leave us without a solution. He himself decided to bear our guilt, and pay our price.
StopBettingAds.com encourages Christians to respond to a public consultation of the government, “explaining the damage that gambling related marketing has on communities across the UK”.
No matter what sort of bad habit we are fighting against, God shows us how to break it.
The Bible says that some day, everyone will kneel before the Lord Jesus, and acknowledge his lordship over all.
How often we believe God's promises only intellectually, and live as if God hadn't time to look after us!
Whatever you do, you cannot heal your worst wound. That is why God provides a remedy.
Christian forgiveness is given and received without conditions.
People need to learn the significance of eternal life, a life full of meaning based on a personal relationship with the Creator.
There is no other mediator, no other system by which to reach God except through Jesus.
Without commitment, you can't grow in any area, be it sport, work, or relationships, much less in your spiritual life.
You never forget what you learned as a child.
It is so important to control our thoughts and what we allow into our innermost hearts.
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