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Protestante Digital


Your best friend

Sometimes we are unable to hear the voice of God due to ignorance, lack of sensitivity or sin; that's when a good friend can help.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 30 DE MAYO DE 2021 17:00 h
Olympic medalist Bob Mathias. [link]Wikipedia. Olympia-Filmi Oy.Public domain[/link]

One of the youngest Olympic medalists in history was BOB MATHIAS, who won the Decathlon at the age of 17 in the 1948 London Olympics. It was said that the good advice he was given by older athletes was one of the secrets of his success.

Nothing is more pleasant to the soul than a friend's advice. A good friend can often come to our aid when our path is darkened and we don't know which way to turn.

Sometimes we are unable to hear the voice of God due to ignorance, lack of sensitivity or sin; that's when a good friend can help.

They may have gone through a similar situation, and God has had to teach them some tough life lessons. God is the one who can teach us how best to act and the good advice of a friend is worth its weight in gold.

We should appreciate those who help us and try to teach us. We must learn to listen humbly and learn from them. The person who always thinks he is right is as good as dead; only he who knows how to seek good advice can prosper.

Never forget that your best friends, the ones who can give you the best advice, are the members of your family. Your parents, brothers and sisters know you best, and so they are usually the ones who can offer the best help.

Never reject them nor despise their words; you should learn to listen more carefully to them than to anyone else. They have given you the best they have to offer, so they deserve the most respect.

Last but not least, if you're married, remember the friend who lives alongside you. No one can understand you better than your spouse.

Today I can tell you from experience that my wife is my best friend. She is a special gift from God to me. God himself taught us to be friends. There is no friend like Him, so don't forget to follow His advice.




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