As the Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom we are vehemently opposed to this bill and communicated as such. We are speaking with MPs and write submission to the parliament committee.
A Christian must be willing to sacrifice his or her life for Christ and His Kingdom, but not for the whims of the ruler of the day and his delusions of a ‘holy nation’ with its supposed ‘historic mission’.
In the first five months of 2024, 18,000 migrants arrived on the Canary Islands' coasts. Leaders of churches say solidarity is needed between regions in Spain.
Dragging an individual through a grueling criminal trial simply for expressing their religious beliefs is the opposite of what characterizes a free society.
Clément Diedrichs was proposed by the Minister of the Interior to recognise his 36 years of service to the National Council of Evangelicals in France.
The director of the March For Life UK was arrested again near an abortion facility, 3 weeks after being acquitted for the same incident.
Operation Transit returns this summer to deliver thousands of Bibles and Christian materials to people crossing the borders to North Africa.
Whichever approach you take, be sure to keep diving in, looking to know Jesus more and growing in your appreciation of God’s heart towards you.
The ministry of hospitality brings comfort, peace and hope to the heart, mind and soul of those who have been uprooted.
The heart of the Ukranian Christian church missionary enterprise is to cross borders instead of erecting them and we in the rest of Europe must support them.
The presence of borders invites us into a multi-tribal fellowship in which we can share whatever God has given us.
We need to learn to appreciate the richness of the language communities in our churches and neighbourhoods, and to build bridges over those borders.
Shibboleth describes the cultural markers which separate “Us” from “Them”. How do the missionally-minded navigate this landscape of shibboleths?
The challenge for the peoples of Europe today is to find the balance between protecting borders and open borders.
The pastor of a church on the Romanian border with Ukraine explains how, along with a church in Spain, they help refugees to meet their basic needs.
Christian organisation European Freedom Network shared practical tips for refugees and churches helping them, to ensure they are cared for and protected from human traffickers.
How can we make sure that aid will be useful for Ukrainian refugees? Miqueas Forster of GAiN Spain answers this and other questions.
Two million people have already fled Ukraine. Many are unaccompanied children who will suffer “a detrimental psychological impact”, Christian NGOs warn.
According to the Reporters Without Borders, 46 journalists were killed, 488 have been detained, 65 held hostage and 2 missing in 2021.
A Christian couple serving among Afghan refugees arriving in Pakistan, explain their difficult situation, especially that of Christians with a Muslim background.
No event can ultimately be tragic because, thanks to God’s undeserved grace, every experience in our life is ultimately for the good.
The European Commission committed to mobilising at least €100 million to make tests more affordable, while EU countries will not impose additional travel restrictions.
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) published its newest 2021 World Press Freedom Index, which denounces that 130 countries still do not fully guarantee the fundamental right of press freedom.
There have been over 700,000 deaths in Europe since the beginning of the pandemic. Strong measures against coronavirus remain in most of the countries.
European leaders meet to set up “rigorous measures for a rapid and coordinated response to terrorism”. Austria targets the Muslim Brotherhood while Spain starts the trial against the Barcelona attackers.
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