Lausanne Europe invites evangelical leaders to gather online and reflect on the relevance today of the 2010 Cape Town Commitment. Saturday 24 October, 19:00 CET.
Churches following Covid-19 secure guidelines, can hold more than six people in total. “We want to make Jesus known and do lots to help rebuild this nation”, the EAUK says.
Would this already-ailing institution ever recover from lockdown?
Parenting a child or young person with additional needs or disability can be isolating sometimes, and not everyone understands what it can be like.
“We stand up for our country and ask God for forgiveness. We want to go back to the Word of God”, say the organisers of the event, which follow all coronavirus measures.
Around 100 cars participate, with an estimated total of 300 people, who “got together safely, sang some songs and heard about the good news of Jesus”.
Agents of the Revolutionary Guard raid homes looking for Christian literature. Seven Christians were falsely sentenced last month for “spreading propaganda against the state”.
Norwegian politicians took one more step in the direction of a society where babies are regarded a commodity to be ordered and traded, not as a child created in the image of God.
“This conference is an impressive example of how the church has been adapting during the pandemic”, a participant says. 25 Networks, 101 workshops, plenaries and mentoring were available online.
It is crucial to understand that the Roma are not homogenous but are different minority groups dispersed over numerous countries and continents.
This year’s edition of the ELF will be online from May 22-28. Over 100 speakers will teach in workshops, seminars, networks and plenary sessions.
The October 2020 Gathering has been moved to November 2021. The “Impact Groups” of the LE2020 Conversation are still running.
I would like to offer some thoughts on the issue with the hope of stimulating further reflection by the church.
Participation in the Impact Groups of Lausanne Europe 2020 is being opened up beyond the circle of delegates to the gathering.
“Faith shows that there is more than the current situation”, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, said during the “Germany prays together” online event.
“The challenge for us is to welcome people into our churches, give them time in their process of discovering what it means to be a Christian, while holding on to Biblical standards”, says professor of religious studies Evert Van de Poll.
The major gathering of Anglican bishops was going to take place this summer, in the midst of theological tensions. “The health and safety of our attendees is our utmost priority”, the organisers said.
“We need to realise that behind the trends, ideologies and mindsets that we face, there are spiritual realities”, says the general secretary of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance.
The Chinese Christian Church in Spain closely follows the religious freedom changes happening in its home country. “The government wants all evangelical churches to be subject to the organisation of the Three Autonomies”.
At the LE2020 Gathering in Poland 21-25, October Usha Reifsnider will expand on her experience.
More than 45 world leaders gathered in Jerusalem to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. They publicly committed to never forget the lessons of the Holocaust.
Christians joined the Evangelical Alliance Week of Prayer in dozens of European cities as local churches came together to worship God.
World leaders gather to address technology and climate changes issues in the World Economic Forum, a meeting that “has become more political”, according to economic experts.
The gahtering of the Graduates Bible Groups in Spain challenged Christians professionals to share the beauty of the Christian faith with their coworkers - with excellence, respect and responsibility.
Activists insult participants of the Bible reading in social media. “We live the greatest repressive wave against Christians since the sixties”, Christian Cuban journalist and professor says.
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