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Evangelicals celebrate Costa Rica’s bicentenary of independence

Costa Rican evangelical leaders gathered to thank God for two hundred years of independent life and to pray for the country.

FUENTES Evangélico Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus SAN JOSE 20 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2021 09:30 h
The pastors prayed for the country symbolically holding a Costa Rican flag / Evangélico Digital.

Central American countries celebrated the bicentenary of their independence on 15 September.

The governments of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica commemorated this historic date with several official events.

In Costa Rica, convened by the Federation Evangelical Alliance of Costa Rica, the leaders of the national churches gathered to thank God for these two hundred years of independent life and to pray for the country.

According to Pastor Jorge Gómez, president of the Evangelical Alliance, “it is a time of communion in which we are going to realise what God has for our future and to recognise the guidance of the Holy Spirit over the Church, which is what makes us pray at this moment”.

“We have proclaimed, by the grace of God, democracy in this country during these two hundred years and we have proclaimed that Jesus Christ has blessed us during all this time”, Gómez told Latin American news website Evangélico Digital.

The Vida Abundante (Abundant Life) church in the south was the venue for the event, which began with the traditional singing of the national anthem at 6 o'clock in the evening.

The well-known composer, singer and songwriter Paul Wilbur was invited to the country to participate exclusively in this historic and spiritual event.

[photo_footer] Worship time with Paul Wilbur. / Evangélico Digital [/photo_footer] 


Presidential candidate Fabricio Alvarado: “It is important to pray for our country”

“Prayer has always been a stronghold in establishing God's work and expanding it nationally”, said pastor Rony Chaves.

He added: “We are going to keep meeting together to pray and cry out to the Lord. It is extraordinary, because great things happen when we pray. The destiny of the nations is in the hands of the intercessors”.

One of the participants of the commemoration of Costa Rica's independence was presidential candidate Fabricio Alvarado, who is also an evangelical singer and preacher.

It is important to use these spaces to come to an agreement and pray for our country. Every believer should ask God to give us all wisdom and especially for those who are in places of power in government to do things correctly and not in their own wisdom”, pointed out the Christian politician.

Among the prayer requests during the evangelical event, there was a special petition for the upcoming presidential elections in the country, which will take place in February 2022.




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