Christians were tortured and accused of theft. The Sudanese Christian Youth Union asserted that the accusations were false.
The Ugandan Julia Sebutinde was the first African woman to sit on the United Nations judicial institution.
An NGO serving migrants says most came from Pakistan and were trying to reach Spain after 13 days of journey. The islands are going through a major crisis after receiving over 43,000 migrants in one year.
North Korea heads the new Open Doors ranking. North African countries such as Morocco and Algeria appear on the list. “If we lose religious freedom, then all other freedoms fall”.
The family decided to keep their faith secret for fear of Muslims of the area, since the father was a committee member in one of the mosques.
Days before, Fulani herdsmen also raided a village in Plateau state and killed 15 Christians.
Peacebuilding and advocacy are complementary, sometimes intertwined disciplines. After all, there can be no true peace without justice.
In just one week, Fulani herdsmen killed 48 Christians, including women and children, many were on their way to church services.
The YouVersion Bible app annual report shows that around 14 million engage in the Bible every day. Prayer and peace were among the top in-app search terms.
A Christian was ambushed and killed, days after another Christian and his mother were slain.Spike in violence in central part of country continues.
Although the Bible can be accessed digitally in hundreds of ways, the 'YouVersion' platform is by far the most widely used around the world.
At least 10 people were murdered and 30 kidnapped, including religious leaders, during several Sunday morning worship services, in just 2 weeks.
We asked 3 migration experts what they would say to young people travelling to North Africa in the hope of crossing the sea and reaching European shores.
In the last 15 days of August alone, 3,220 arrived in the Canary Islands from Africa risking their lives in small boats. Noemi Mena, an expert on migration, believes there are no solutions without solidarity between regions and long-term planning.
Decisions such as ending the ban on performing same-sex marriages, or the ordination of LGTBQI+ people, could lead more people to abandon the Methodist churches, which suffered a schism in 2019.
The Observatory for Religious Freedom in Africa finds that Christians were the largest group of victims, with over 16,700 deaths.
In Estonia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Latvia and Finland, just 10% or fewer adults say religion is a priority for them.
Evangelicals denounce that Nigerian government “has failed to protect civilians, most particularly Christians, from the increase of brutal acts of violence”.
At least 53 people died in demonstrations against the new economic plan. “It is time we all genuinely reach out to each other”, say evangelical leaders.
Christians in Africa are largely still working out what it means to be a Christian and an African at the same time.
The country is preparing for the era of coalition government at the state level. According to evangelicals, it can “craft productive partnerships for the common good”.
South Africa goes to the polls amid “growing inequality and unemployment” and fears of a return to apartheid. “Churches live politics in private”, say evangelical leaders.
Dozens of other Christians were wounded and received treatment in hospitals, sources in the area said.
A study analyses how culture influences the burnout experience and implications for member care.
Over 13,000 dead and nine million displaced in a forgotten conflict. “It doesn't get the same attention as other wars in the world”, says a Christian in the region.
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