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‘Revive Europe’: Over 3,000 expected at student conference at the end of year

The conference organised by IFES Europe will take place next December in Karlsruhe, Germany, under the theme “Revive our hearts, revive our universities, revive Europe”.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus KARLSRUHE 19 DE FEBRERO DE 2021 10:25 h
A talk during Revive 2019. / [link]Revive[/link]

University students and graduates from all over Europe will meet again at ‘Revive Europe’, the conference organised by IFES Europe, along with twenty other movements.

Under the theme “Revive our hearts, revive our universities, revive Europe”, the conference is open to Christians aged 18-30 and will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany, from 28 December 2021 to 2 January 2022.

According to the organisers, ‘Revive Europe “began with a dream: a vision of a generation coming together from every corner of Europe to pursue revival in the university world and beyond”.

“United in this vision were representatives from more than 20 other Christian organisations in Europe (such as Agape, Cru, Friends International, Youth With A Mission), who partnered with IFES Europe in dreaming, planning and praying”, they add.


“Challenged to do mission”

The first edition of the conference was held in 2019, with 3,000 people from 68 European countries. Registration for the new edition is now open, there are 400 places left at a reduced price.

“Revive 2019 was a meeting where we were refreshed with the Word, and challenged to do mission in the name of Jesus and with the guidance and power of His Spirit”, points out IFES Spain (GBU) advisor Juan Hernandez.

Cristian, a graduate from Valencia, Spain, recalls that “Revive was a push and a confirmation of what God wants in my life. It was an experience where God shook me and filled me with faith and hunger for Him, so that I can preach the gospel more willingly through my life, not losing focus on Him”.


Acts chapters 16-19 “will be the backbone of Revive”

The plenaries of the 2021 edition will focus on Acts chapters 16-19, which “will be the backbone of Revive and will shape all aspects of the meeting”, say organisers in the website.

Furthermore, “the plenaries will have powerful times of worship, inspiring testimonies, art pieces that bring Scripture to life. In the afternoons, we have a variety of robust seminars and tracks that will equip us to share the good news of Jesus with boldness and make disciples in Europe”.

“There is also time set aside to go deeper into what we have been experiencing in small groups with people from all over Europe, and free time to rest, play sports, connect with friends and enjoy”, they conclude.

Speakers will include John Lennox, Peter Greig, Danielle Strickland, Tor Erling Fagermoen, Luke Greenwood and Sarah Breuel, the director of ‘Revive Europe’.

[photo_footer] ‘Revive Europe’ is open to Christians aged 18-30.[/photo_footer] 

You can know more about the conference and register  here.




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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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