At first glance, it seems that both those who see the Bible as final authority, and those who see it as a valuable myth, have much to share. Yet, upon closer observation, the foundations for their beliefs are worlds apart.
Paralympics are declaring to the world that social value and human dignity are not rooted in physical perfection.
Throughout the centuries, Christianity and the Olympic Games have had an ambivalent relationship. For good reasons. But today Christians have come to see major sports gatherings as God-given opportunities for evangelism.
The eroticisation of girls is clearly the root of countless negative consequences for society and for women. I outline seven of them.
Democracy cannot simply be taken for granted. Vigilance is essential to resist unbridled self-interest and to promote the human dignity of all and human rights for all.
Speakers agreed that instead of regulating the practice of surrogacy in the European Union, efforts should be made to highlight that surrogacy means, in essence, the commodification of children.
The Spanish Constitutional Court recognises the “woman's right to self-determination” regarding abortion. Evangelicals “regret and denounce the lack of protection of human life”.
“Human dignity does not depend on social consensus, but is an intrinsic quality of every human being”, states the text signed by Catholics, evangelicals, Anglicans, Muslims and Orthodox.
The upper house rejects the text for a third time: "It will not strengthen the effectiveness of the right to abortion".
In 2 reports submitted to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Protestant Evangelical Committee for Human Dignity asks to abolish surrogacy and ban minors’ access to pornography.
“Abortion has become a dogma for the parliamentary majority”, laments Franck Meyer of the Evangelical Protestant Committee for Human Dignity. The Senate could slow down the process.
The uncertain times for European society call for a rapid shift in our collective perception from its reactionary mode.
“This battle is not over. It is just beginning”, pro-abortion parliamentarians say. Two new resolutions will be brought to vote in November.
The 4th Spanish Bioethics Conference will give a Christian perspective on creation care, life and death, and AI. “Bioethics is not primarily a theoretical issue to be considered at a university classroom, but a practical reality in everyday life”.
Two Protestant groups underline the need for more palliative care, but differ in their evaluation of a recent National Ethics Committe report. A new law could be approved in 2023.
ECPM now has four MEPs and brings together around 20 political parties. “We explicitly promote Christian values in politics”, says its President.
In a sentence, the highest court in Spain clearly opposes surrogacy because “it violates fundamental rights recognised in the Constitution and international agreements on human rights”.
Muslim women today are 12 percent of the world’s population, spread across the globe. When we meet a Muslim woman, who are we meeting? What has been her experience of daily life and faith?
Evangelicals say the new contract “contains guarantees for freedom of religion” but also warn about its application, because “certain terms could be misinterpreted”.
More than 40.3 million people are victims of human trafficking today. Marches aimed to denounce that “human trafficking is modern slavery”, Christian NGO A21, says.
We have no right to go around thinking that we wish we were like this or that person.
“Governments have put a lot of money into developing these vaccines. It's a dilemma with legal, economic, political and ethical aspects. The key would be for pharmaceutical companies to allocate part of their profits to more universal and equitable access to vaccines”.
The final text is passed after two years of debates. French evangelical bioethics experts warned against the “consumerist and individualist drift” of the law and the disregard for children.
Protesters denounce “the commodification of human beings which is looming with the bioethics law”. “The draft law that is neither organic nor ethical”, evangelicals say.
The Geneva Consensus Declaration states that “there is no international right to abortion”. The document tackles the promotion of equal rights for women and the need for universal health coverage.
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