For 20 years, IDOP has united millions of Christians to denounce and pray for those who suffer persecution. This year, events are being held the first three Sundays of November.
According to a Rice University study, both religious and non-religious scientists criticize the way Dawkins deals with religion.
The Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom has launched the Speak Up campaign to provide a clearer picture of the legal basis to talk about Jesus. Jurist Nancy Lefèvre (France) helped to start the initiative.
The Guardian, The Telegraph and LGBT activist Peter Tatchell defend freedom of conscience. The EAUK: “We have all lost some our freedom”.
Minors will be resettled in the UK, Christian organisations participate in the process.
Walk for Freedom in many European cities dennounced that “every 30 seconds, someone becomes a victim of modern-day slavery”. Churches had Freedom Sunday special worship services.
More than 46,000 students attend Christian Union mission weeks in UK, and many become Christians. CU leaders are trained for it at the Forum, UCCF’s national training conference .
There is a place for patriotism and healthy national pride. But surely we should get nervous when British exceptionalism and nationalistic fervour get wrapped up in religious language.
“It is when all the ‘pieces’ come together that our response is really relevant and can have an impact on every level - locally, nationally, regionally and globally”, says WEA Communications Director Timothy Goropevsek.
Election in Crimea is questioned by many states. Only 47% of population voted. Evangelical Christians suffer under anti-evangelism law.
The daughter of a vicar, she attends a local Anglican church regularly. She supported gay marriage and does not like to speak about her faith in public.
New atheism, the definition of "faith", Christianity in Europe, the role of the Bible in mission, and the need to listen more. An exclusive interview recorded at "Forum Apologética" (Tarragona, Spain) in May 2016.
Juncker speaks at EU Parliament plenary session in Brussels. Verhofstadt: “Negativism is the most shocking thing of what has happened in Britain, not the choice of the people.”
After the referendum, the tensions run high. The Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom calls to follow the example of Jesus and practise “generosity and love.”
“We pray for leaders across Europe, and around the world, as they face this dramatic change”, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury writes after the EU referendum.
Narrow outcome (difference of 1.3 million votes) opens a political crisis in the UK and an unpredictable scenario in other countries of the European Union. PM David Cameron announces he will step down.
The European Evangelical Alliance calls to pray for the referendum.
The danger of deciding on the basis of narrow personal or national self-interest is to overlook a whole range of possible consequences to the other parties in this set of relationships – which could then rebound on us.
On Thursday 23 June, the citizens of the UK will decide if they remain in the European Union. 7 Christians organisations share a joint prayer. Several authors have published biblical perspectives at Evangelical Focus.
53% of the boys surveyed think “online pornography is realistic.” P-Word conference will be held in London to explore a practical Christian response to the issue of pornography.
Institute for Economics and Peace says global deterioration “was driven by increased terrorism and higher levels of political instability.” Europe is the most peaceful region in the world, but Ukraine is the second country whith a bigger deterioration.
An article by The Guardian documents new conversions. “Jesus Christ said ‘those who use the sword will die by the sword’. This really changed my mind”, a refugee tells the British newspaper.
Christians in Politics launch #DisagreeWell. Believers should be able to talk, listen to each other, and join political parties as well as other orgnisations in society.
The campaign is “about breaking down barriers and challenging misconceptions” during Ramadan (6 June- 6 July), Islamic Relief said. In November, a Church of England video featuring the Lord’s prayer was banned from cinemas.
According to a survey in the UK, the majority of Christians wish sermons were shorter. Half of the surveyed feel that “young people are not given enough of a chance to preach in church.”
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