Former Prime Minister states that the measure could "set a precedent" and asks for "the right figures, the right data and the proper information".
We need a deeper understanding which transcends the distorted reflections of ourselves that we find in our own technology.
If Jesus is who he claims to be, he is worthy of all your faith, your worship, your love.
How often do we petition Christ for the petty things, while ignoring the far greater gifts that he wants to give us?
The perspectives of Christian leaders from Peru, Argentina, Spain.
In the longer term, pornography can cause the user to view people as objects rather than as whole and complete individuals.
John 5 underlines to us that Jesus is not passive, nor reactive. He is proactive.
The unsettled legacy of John Paul II one hundred years since his birth.
“This conference is an impressive example of how the church has been adapting during the pandemic”, a participant says. 25 Networks, 101 workshops, plenaries and mentoring were available online.
God hasn’t abandoned His broken project. He hasn’t left us in our brokenness. He has actually joined us in our suffering.
He will be remembered for his gracious, wise and courageous witness as a scientist and a Christian who had the courage to speak inconvenient truth to power.
Both authors wrote the books at the end of March. “Christians are able to feel peace, even in an uncertain world”, says Lennox. Piper wants to “provide a God centred place to stand in such fragile times”.
“The Holy Week in Lockdown” is a devotional series following the Gospel of John from chapter 12 to 20. It has been developed by the World Evangelical Alliance.
As technologically simulated relationships become ever more realistic and superficially convincing, we must be aware of the risk that the simulacrum will exert a seductive appeal to our hearts.
Should we teach our children to be polite to Alexa, to say please and thank you, to respect its ‘virtual’ feelings? Or is it of no significance if children abuse, tease and bully a simulated slave-person?
Will the promotion of ‘relationships’ with machines contribute to societal wellbeing and human flourishing, or provide new opportunities for manipulation and deception of the vulnerable?
Analysis of the five paradoxes in preaching by John Stott.
The country enters into a transition period of 11 months to negotiate free movement of people and other key issues. Christians are called to “model healing”, says the Evangelical Alliance.
The UK Prime Minister recalls Christians who celebrate Christmas “in secret”. Queen Elisabeth says: “Through His teaching, Jesus Christ shows the world how small steps can overcome divisions”.
“The passion for unity is one vital way the church can serve the nation in the months and years ahead”, says Gavin Calver of the Evangelical Alliance.
Jews say “a new poison has taken root in the Labour Party” while Muslims argue that “Islamophobia is endemic in the Conservative Party”. “May we be recognised as Jesus’ disciples”, the UK Evangelical Alliance says.
If we look through the history of the church, we see time and time again that Christians have stood up in the public sphere as agents of change for the good of society. We need such people now.
A Manifesto of church unity: Part 4 of 5.
Now the British and European Parliaments will have to back the document.
For some Christians ‘structure’ is a dirty word, being seen in opposition to the spontaneity of the Holy Spirit. Yet there is structure all through the Bible.
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