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RZIM to change name and remove all Ravi Zacharias’ content

The ministry encourages victims and current or former employees to provide any information they have. The UK branch of RZIM will also change name and sever ties with the global brand.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus 09 DE MARZO DE 2021 17:00 h
Ravi Zacharias, speaking at an event in Georgia (US), in 2018. / RZIM

After releasing an investigative report which confirmed the allegations of abuse against the apologist Ravi Zacharias; his daughter and CEO of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), Sarah Davis, has announced they will change the name and remove all contents by the organization's founder.

Davis stressed in a statement that they “continue to grieve deeply for the victims who have been treated in ways that are completely antithetical to the gospel” and recognised there were organizational failures. “Repentance that needs to take place in both heart and action”, the statement said.

This press release is “the first of periodic updates that we plan to release in order to share with you the steps we are taking as we seek to walk a path of repentance, restitution, learning, and serving”.


Change of name and independent assessment

“We are in the process of taking down Ravi [Zacharias]’s content from our website and social media platforms, including publications, videos, and other forms of content, and we intend to change the name of the organization. Effective immediately, we are also discontinuing the use of ‘The Zacharias Institute’ brand”, pointed out Davis.

RZIM has hired the management consulting firm Guidepost Solutions to make an independent assessment of all its structures, culture, policies, processes, finances and practices, including the handling of any former abuse allegations.

It is expected to last for several months, so that to respect the process, they do not plan to comment on any recommendations being made until the process has been completed.

Meanwhile, “our top priority right now is the process of care, justice, and restitution for all who have been victimized by Ravi’s abuse. Rachael Denhollander has been retained to serve as a confidential liaison with survivors and to help guide this process”, underlined Davis.


Call victims and employess to give information

The ministry encourages survivors of abuse or harassment, current or former employees, or other witnesses to provide any information they consider relevant to Guidepost Solutions.

Furthermore, “out of respect for anyone who resigned from RZIM for reasons of conscience during the Miller & Martin investigation, we will be offering to them the same severance that we are currently offering to those who take voluntary redundancy”.

RZIM anticipates that “significant lessons will be learned and are grateful for all who have helped us to begin this process. We are praying for the courage to pursue repentance and to have learners’ hearts, and we are trusting in God’s guidance in the days ahead”, concludes the statement.

[photo_footer]The CEO of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), Sarah Davis. / RZIM.  [/photo_footer] 


RZIM UK branch changes name and breaks ties with global brand

The UK branch of RZIM, The Zacharias Trust, which operates the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA) theological training centre, also announced last month that it will change its name and sever all ties with the global ministry brand.

They pointed out that it was “an unanimous decision” and that several key speakers and leaders within OCCA such as Sam Allberry, Os Guinness, John Lennox, and Amy-Orr Ewing strongly support the decision and have exprssed their “willingness to consider supporting a new ministry organisation”.

According to the UK board, “this process will take time to complete but we are convinced that this is the best and only way to ensure that the ministry can continue to serve the UK church with integrity. This will also give us the opportunity to review the lessons to be learned from these awful events”.


“Our trust in Ravi Zacharias was wholly misplaced”

“Ravi Zacharias’s conduct is against everything we stand for and believe as a Christian organisation. Our trust in Ravi Zacharias was wholly misplaced, and for this we apologise wholeheartedly to all those who have been impacted”, said the UK branch.

They also criticised the RZIM US board for “not going nearly far enough in terms of actions relating to leadership and governance” after the scandal was revealed.

“We ask that you join in prayer for the abuse victims, the global staff team and all others whose lives have been traumatised by these revelations as they come to terms with what has happened”, concluded the UK Board.




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