Christians who go to church and read the Bible at least once a week give 11% of their income to charity, compared to 2% of the rest of population. “A commitment to a Christian faith doesn’t preclude supporting causes that are not explicitly driven by faith”, the survey finds.
A compelling conclusion contains three ingredients: a look back, a look forward, and a definite finish. However, many sermon conclusions are harmed by extra ingredients.
Obstacles are nothing more than passing difficulties. The race goes on, and all we need is wisdom from God.
If we are open to hear the voice of the global Church, to receive its help, and to serve it; then Europe still has a key part to play in the evangelisation of the earth.
Keily Murillo tells the testimony of how a raging fire changed her business vision and brought her closer to God.
There are so many parallels between then and now. What could and should the pastors do in a society that is leaning in a dangerous direction?
Be aware of the role of artificial intelligence in elections, especially in your social media timeline. Truth and trust should go hand in hand.
You need someone who won't try to fool you, but examines your heart: you need God.
Although researchers have repeatedly established that marriage is associated with numerous positive outcomes for both adults and children, few dare to champion marriage publically out of fear of sounding judgemental.
How urgent the problems in our world and how old-fashioned the proposed solutions at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Loss of trust and loss of faith may go hand in hand.
In a world of people trying to find themselves, make themselves, and often, fake themselves, we have a God who is not holding back on speaking his blessing over us.
I am concerned that the Western church is choosing the way of fear, isolation, defensiveness. Or worse, the way of anger.
May our hearts be so captivated by His love that our churches increasingly look like the body of Christ.
God’s pattern is for suffering now to be followed by glory later. It was true for Jesus, for Peter’s readers then, and it is true for Peter’s readers now.
A survey interviewed 25,000 teenagers in 26 countries. “It’s rare that teens think poorly of Jesus. The global impression of Jesus is that he is trustworthy, generous, wise, peaceful”, the authors say.
Whatever may be going on around us, Psalm 107 suggests what should be happening inside us.
Don't let anyone take your inheritance from you by doubting God's Word. Jesus is preparing a permanent place for us.
The Dutch Bible Society releases a study on the meaning, reading habits and impact of the Bible in the Netherlands.
What happens when the storms of life come? Will we keep on trusting in ourselves? Will we still think we are right?
Let’s hold our resolutions with a very loose grip, but squeeze tightly on the hand of Him who holds us, our families, our ministries and our year ahead in the palm of His hand.
Christmas points away from “what-must-we-do” to “who-can-we-trust”. And we need that.
A report shows that closure was particularly acute in inner-city areas. “There is hope. We encourage people to find hope and relevance in their local churches”, researchers say.
Fear is a feature of life in this fallen world. Fear Jesus, for he is more powerful and significant than any evil.
When we thank God in all circumstances, we learn to overcome them.
Sharing our load with God helps; seeking his peace is good for our souls.
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